Synonyms & Similar Words To Simple

Bay Area Crosswords

Discover Simple synonyms & similar words to Simple to help you solve your crossword puzzle at the free online Thesaurus from Bay Area Crosswords.


Simple Synonyms & Similar Words
Simple Synonyms & Similar Words

What Are Synonyms And Similar Words To Simple?

acerate, acerose, acicular, acuminate, angulate, apiculate, arrow-shaped, austere, backward, bare, bidentate, biserrate, bladelike, casual, caudate, chaste, childlike, ciliate, ciliated, compound, cordate, cordiform, credulous, crenate, crenated, crenulate, crenulated, cretinous, crispate, cuneate, cushy, delayed, deltoid, dentate, denticulate, dewy-eyed, dim-witted, dolabrate, dolabriform, dry, easy, easygoing, effortless, elementary, elliptic, elongate, emarginate, ensiform, entire, erose, featureless, feebleminded, fiddle-shaped, fimbriate, five-needled, fleeceable, four-needled, fringed, green, gullible, half-witted, hands-down, hastate, heart-shaped, homely, inelaborate, ingenuous, innocent, jagged, jaggy, kidney-shaped, lacerate, lacerated, laciniate, lancelike, lanceolate, linear, literal, lyrate, mere, naif, naive, needle-shaped, needled, notched, oblanceolate, oblong, obovate, obtuse, orbicular, orbiculate, ovate, painless, pandurate, panduriform, pectinate, peltate, perfoliate, plain, reniform, repand, retarded, rimose, rough, round-eyed, runcinate, sagittate, sagittiform, saw-toothed, scalloped, serrate, serrated, serrulate, severe, shield-shaped, simple, simple-minded, simplex, simplified, sinuate, smooth, soft, spatula-shaped, spatulate, spearhead-shaped, spinose, stark, stern, stupid, sword-shaped, swordlike, tailored, three-needled, toothed, trim, two-needled, unadorned, unanalyzable, uncomplicated, undecomposable, undecorated, undemanding, undulate, unelaborate, uninformed, unintelligent, unlobed, unnotched, unpretentious, unproblematic, unrhetorical, unsophisticated, unsubdivided, untoothed, unworldly, user-friendly, vanilla, wedge-shaped, wide-eyed

simple is a ADJ.

simple, simpleton

simple is a NOUN.

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