Synonyms & Similar Words To Compound

Bay Area Crosswords

Discover Compound synonyms & similar words to Compound to help you solve your crossword puzzle at the free online Thesaurus from Bay Area Crosswords.


Compound Synonyms & Similar Words
Compound Synonyms & Similar Words

What Are Synonyms And Similar Words To Compound?

abruptly-pinnate, ammino, analyzable, angulate, bidentate, bilobate, bilobated, bilobed, binate, bipartite, bipinnate, bipinnatifid, biserrate, Byzantine, chemical compound, ciliate, ciliated, cleft, colonial, complex, complicated, composite, compound, conjugate, convoluted, crenate, crenated, crenulate, crenulated, crispate, daedal, decomposable, decompound, dentate, denticulate, difficult, dissected, emarginate, entire, erose, even-pinnate, fimbriate, fringed, Gordian, hard, imparipinnate, incised, interlacing, interlinking, interlocking, interwoven, intricate, involved, jagged, jaggy, knotty, labyrinthian, labyrinthine, lacerate, lacerated, laciniate, lobate, lobed, mazy, mentholated, multifactorial, multiplex, notched, odd-pinnate, palm-shaped, palmate, palmatifid, paripinnate, parted, pectinate, pedate, pinnate, pinnated, pinnatifid, pinnatisect, polymeric, quinquefoliate, repand, rimose, rough, runcinate, saw-toothed, scalloped, serrate, serrated, serrulate, simple, sinuate, smooth, spinose, sternutatory, tangled, ternate, thickening, three-lobed, toothed, tortuous, trifoliate, trifoliated, trifoliolate, trilobate, trilobated, trilobed, tripinnate, tripinnated, tripinnatifid, undulate, unnotched, unsubdivided, untoothed

compound is a ADJ.

chemical compound, compound

compound is a NOUN.

combine, compound, deepen, heighten, intensify

compound is a VERB.

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