Synonyms & Similar Words To Flaccid

Bay Area Crosswords

Discover Flaccid synonyms & similar words to Flaccid to help you solve your crossword puzzle at the free online Thesaurus from Bay Area Crosswords.


Flaccid Synonyms & Similar Words
Flaccid Synonyms & Similar Words

What Are Synonyms And Similar Words To Flaccid?

adynamic, afflicted, anaemic, anemic, apractic, apraxic, asthenic, bandy, bandy-legged, bowed, bowleg, bowlegged, broken-backed, brushed, cheeselike, compressible, cottony, crippled, crookback, crookbacked, cushioned, cushiony, debilitated, delicate, demulcent, dipped, disabled, downlike, downy, emollient, enervated, faint, feeble, flabby, flaccid, fleecy, flimsy, flocculent, flossy, fluffy, fragile, game, gammy, gibbous, gimpy, gutless, halt, halting, handicapped, humpbacked, humped, hunchbacked, ill, impaired, jerry-built, knock-kneed, kyphotic, lame, lax, limp, lordotic, maimed, mushy, mutilated, namby-pamby, napped, overstuffed, padded, pale, pallid, powerless, puny, salving, semisoft, shoddy, sick, slack, slight, soft, softening, softish, spavined, spineless, spongelike, spongy, squashy, squeezable, squishy, swayback, swaybacked, tender, tenuous, thin, unfit, unhealthy, unsound, untoughened, velvet, velvety, vulnerable, wan, weak, weakened, wishy-washy, woolly, wooly, yielding

flaccid is a ADJ.

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