What Are Synonyms And Similar Words To Faint?
adynamic, afflicted, afraid, aguish, ailing, air sick, airsick, anaemic, anemic, asthenic, audible, autistic, bedfast, bedimmed, bedrid, bedridden, bilious, bleary, blurred, blurry, bronchitic, caitiff, carsick, chicken, chickenhearted, cloudy, consumptive, convalescent, cowardly, craven, dastard, dastardly, debilitated, delicate, delirious, detectable, diabetic, dim, discernible, dizzy, dyspeptic, enervated, faint, faint-hearted, fainthearted, fearful, feeble, feverish, feverous, flaccid, flimsy, foggy, fragile, funky, funny, fuzzy, giddy, gouty, green, gutless, hallucinating, hazy, hearable, ignoble, ill, indefinite, indisposed, indistinct, jerry-built, laid low, laid up, lame, lax, light, light-headed, lightheaded, lily-livered, limp, liverish, livery, milk-sick, muzzy, namby-pamby, nauseated, nauseous, nebulose, nebulous, noticeable, pale, pallid, palpable, palsied, paralytic, paralyzed, paraplegic, peaked, perceivable, perceptible, poltroon, poor-spirited, poorly, powerless, puny, pusillanimous, queasy, rachitic, recognizable, recovering, recreant, rickety, scrofulous, seasick, seeable, seedy, sensible, shadowy, shoddy, sick, sick-abed, sickish, sickly, slack, slight, sneezy, spastic, spineless, stricken, swooning, tender, tenuous, thin, timid, tubercular, tuberculous, unclear, under the weather, unfit, unhealed, unhealthy, unmanly, untoughened, unwell, upset, vague, veiled, vertiginous, visible, vulnerable, wan, weak, weakened, white-livered, wishy-washy, wispy, woozy, yellow, yellow-bellied
faint is a ADJ.
deliquium, faint, swoon, syncope
faint is a NOUN.
conk, faint, pass out, swoon
faint is a VERB.