Synonyms & Similar Words To Derelict

Bay Area Crosswords

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Derelict Synonyms & Similar Words
Derelict Synonyms & Similar Words

What Are Synonyms And Similar Words To Derelict?

abandoned, aged, attrited, battered, beat-up, beaten-up, bedraggled, bent, blemished, broken, broken-backed, broken-down, burst, busted, careless, clapped out, creaky, crumpled, damaged, decrepit, defaced, delinquent, dented, depopulated, derelict, destroyed, dilapidated, dog-eared, eared, eroded, flea-bitten, frayed, hit-and-run, hurt, impaired, inattentive, injured, knocked-out, lax, mangey, mangled, mangy, marred, moth-eaten, mothy, mutilated, neglectful, negligent, old, peeling, played out, raddled, ragged, ramshackle, ratty, remiss, riddled, run-down, ruptured, scorched, scoured, scraped, scratched, scruffy, seedy, shabby, shopsoiled, shopworn, slack, storm-beaten, tatterdemalion, tattered, tatty, threadbare, thumbed, trampled, trodden, tumble-down, uninhabited, unoccupied, unpeopled, unpopulated, unsettled, untenanted, vermiculate, waterworn, weakened, weather-beaten, weathered, weatherworn, well-worn, woebegone, worm-eaten, wormy, worn, worn-out

derelict is a ADJ.

abandoned ship, derelict

derelict is a NOUN.

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