Synonyms & Similar Words To Worn

Bay Area Crosswords

Discover Worn synonyms & similar words to Worn to help you solve your crossword puzzle at the free online Thesaurus from Bay Area Crosswords.


Worn Synonyms & Similar Words
Worn Synonyms & Similar Words

What Are Synonyms And Similar Words To Worn?

age-old, aged, all in, antediluvian, antiquated, antique, archaic, attrited, auld, aweary, battered, beat, blear, blear-eyed, bleary, bleary-eyed, bored, burned-out, burnt-out, bushed, careworn, clapped out, cold, creaky, dead, decrepit, derelict, dog-eared, dog-tired, drained, drawn, drooping, eared, eroded, exhausted, fagged, fatigued, flagging, flea-bitten, footsore, frayed, haggard, hand-down, hand-me-down, hoary, immemorial, jaded, knackered, long-ago, longtime, mangey, mangy, moth-eaten, mothy, noncurrent, nonmodern, old, past, patched, played out, raddled, ragged, ratty, run-down, rusty, scoured, scruffy, secondhand, seedy, shabby, shopsoiled, shopworn, spent, stale, sunset, tatterdemalion, tattered, tatty, threadbare, thumbed, tired, travel-worn, unrefreshed, unrested, used, vermiculate, washed-out, waterworn, wearied, weary, weather-beaten, weathered, weatherworn, well-worn, whacked, woebegone, world-weary, worm-eaten, wormy, worn, worn out, worn-out, yellow, yellowed

worn is a ADJ.

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