About The Word Fiery

Bay Area Crosswords

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Fiery Meaning & Definition
Fiery Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Fiery?

[adj] like or suggestive of fire; "the burning sand"; "a fiery desert wind"; "an igneous desert atmosphere"
[adj] very intense; "a fiery temper"; "flaming passions"
[adj] characterized by intense emotion; "ardent love"; "an ardent lover"; "a burning enthusiasm"; "a fervent desire to change society"; "a fervent admirer"; "fiery oratory"; "an impassioned appeal"; "a torrid love affair"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Fiery: ardent | burning(a) | fervent | fervid | flaming | hot | igneous | impassioned | passionate | perfervid | torrid

Related Terms | Find terms related to Fiery: abandoned | ablaze | accendible | afire | aflame | aglow | algetic | alight | angry | ardent | beany | blaring | blazing | boiling | boiling over | breathless | bricky | brilliant | broiling | burnable | burning | burning with excitement | cardinal | carmine | carnation | carnelian | cerise | chafed | cherry | cherry-colored | cherry-red | combustible | combustive | committed | conflagrant | conflagrative | cordial | crimson | damask | dedicated | delirious | devoted | devout | drunk | eager | earnest | edgy | emphatic | enthusiastic | excitable | excited | exciting | explosive | exuberant | faithful | fanatic | febrile | ferruginous | fervent | fervid | festering | fevered | feverish | feverous | fierce | firelike | fire-red | flame-colored | flame-red | flaming | flammable | flaring | flushed | furious | galled | glaring | gleaming | glowing | gules | hard-core | hasty | headlong | hearty | heated | hectic | het up | high-spirited | hot | hot-blooded | hotheaded | hot-tempered | hyperpyretic | hyperthermic | igneous | ignited | impassioned | impetuous | impulsive | in a fever | in earnest | in flames | in rut | incandescent | incarmined | inflamed | inflammable | infrared | intense | intent | intent on | intoxicated | irascible | iron-red | irritable | irritated | keen | lake-colored | laky | lateritious | lively | lobster-red | loyal | luminous | lurid | madcap | maroon | mettlesome | on fire | overheated | passionate | peppery | perfervid | port-wine | precipitate | provoking | puce | pyretic | pyric | quick | quick-tempered | radiant | rankling | raw | red | reddened | reddish | reddish-amber | reddish-brown | red-dyed | red-hot | red-looking | resolute | rubicund | rubiginous | rubric | rubricose | ruby | ruby-colored | ruby-red | ruddied | ruddy | rufescent | rufous | rust | rust-red | rusty | scalding | scarlet | scorching | seething | sensitive | serious | sexually excited | short-tempered | simmering | sincere | sizzling | smarting | sore | spirited | spunky | stammel | steaming | steamy | stimulating | stirring | stormy | tempestuous | tender | tile-red | tingling | Titian | Titian-red | tornadic | torrid | totally committed | touchy | unrestrained | urgent | vehement | vermilion | vigorous | vinaceous | violent | volcanic | warm | white-hot | wild | wine | wine-colored | wine-red | zealous

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Fiery In Webster's Dictionary

\Fi"er*y\ (? or ?), a. [Formerly written firy, fr. fire.] 1. Consisting of, containing, or resembling, fire; as, the fiery gulf of Etna; a fiery appearance. And fiery billows roll below. --I. Watts. 2. Vehement; ardent; very active; impetuous. Hath thy fiery heart so parched thine entrails? --Shak. The fiery spirit of his forefathers. --W. Irwing. 3. Passionate; easily provoked; irritable. You know the fiery quality of the duke. --Shak. 4. Unrestrained; fierce; mettlesome; spirited. One curbed the fiery steed. --Dryden. 5. heated by fire, or as if by fire; burning hot; parched; feverish. --Pope. The sword which is made fiery. --Hooker. {Fiery cross}, a cross constructed of two firebrands, and pitched upon the point of a spear; formerly in Scotland borne by a runner as a signal for the clan to take up arms. --Sir W. Scott.

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