About The Word Dedicated

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Learn about the word Dedicated to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Dedicated definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Dedicated Meaning & Definition
Dedicated Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Dedicated?

[adj] solemnly dedicated to or set apart for a high purpose; "a life consecrated to science"; "the consecrated chapel"; "a chapel dedicated to the dead of World War II"
[adj] devoted to a cause or ideal or purpose; "a dedicated dancer"; "dedicated teachers"; "dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal"- A.Lincoln

Synonyms | Synonyms for Dedicated: consecrate | consecrated | devoted | devoted(p) | ordained | sacred | votive

Related Terms | Find terms related to Dedicated: abandoned | afire | altruistic | ardent | beatified | blessed | bound | bound and determined | burning | canonized | committed | consecrated | constant | decided | decisive | definite | determined | devoted | devout | disinterested | earnest | faithful | fast | fervent | fervid | fiery | flaming | hallowed | hearty | heated | hot | hot-blooded | humble | impassioned | in earnest | intense | intent | intent on | loyal | modest | obstinate | on fire | passionate | perfervid | persevering | persistent | purposeful | red-hot | relentless | resolute | resolved | sacrificing | sainted | saintly | sanctified | self-abasing | self-abnegating | self-abnegatory | self-denying | self-devoted | self-effacing | self-forgetful | self-immolating | selfless | self-neglectful | self-neglecting | self-renouncing | self-sacrificing | self-unconscious | serious | set apart | sincere | single-minded | spirited | staunch | steadfast | tenacious | tested | tried | tried and true | true | unacquisitive | unpossessive | unpretentious | unselfish | unsparing of self | vehement | warm | white-hot | wholehearted | zealous

See Also | holy

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