About The Word Explosive

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Learn about the word Explosive to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Explosive definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Explosive Meaning & Definition
Explosive Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Explosive?

[n] a chemical substance that undergoes a rapid chemical change (with the production of gas) on being heated or struck
[adj] tending or serving to explode or characterized by explosion or sudden outburst; "an explosive device"; "explosive gas"; "explosive force"; "explosive violence"; "an explosive temper"
[adj] sudden and loud; "an explosive laugh"
[adj] liable to lead to sudden change or violence; "an explosive issue"; "a volatile situation with troops and rioters eager for a confrontation"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Explosive: bursting | detonating | detonative | exploding | sudden | unstable | volatile

Related Terms | Find terms related to Explosive: agitable | alarming | allophone | alveolar | anxious | apico-alveolar | apico-dental | articulation | aspiration | assimilation | bad | Ballistite | banging | bilabial | blasting | bursting | cacuminal | cellulose nitrate | cerebral | chancy | check | combustible | consonant | continuant | cordite | cracking | crashing | critical | dangerous | dangersome | delicate | dental | detonating | dicey | diphthong | dissimilation | dynamite | edgy | emotional | emotionally unstable | epenthetic vowel | eruptive | excitable | explodable | exploding | explosible | fiery | flapping | fraught | fraught with danger | fulminating | gelignite | glide | glottal | glottalization | gunpowder | guttural | hasty | hazardous | high explosive | highly emotional | high-mettled | high-spirited | high-strung | hot | hotheaded | hot-tempered | iffy | inflammable | irascible | irritable | jeopardous | knocking | labial | labialization | labiodental | labiovelar | laryngeal | lateral | lingual | liquid | manner of articulation | melinite | menacing | mettlesome | modification | monophthong | morphophoneme | mute | nasal | nasty | nervous | nitrocotton | nitroglycerin | occlusive | palatal | parasitic vowel | parlous | passionate | peak | peppery | periculous | perilous | perturbable | pharyngeal | pharyngealization | phone | phoneme | plastic | plastic explosive | plosive | popping | powder | precarious | prickly | prothetic vowel | quick | quick-tempered | rapping | retroflex | segmental phoneme | semivowel | sensitive | serious | shaky | short-tempered | skittish | slapping | slatting | smokeless powder | sonant | sonority | speech sound | spunky | startlish | stop | surd | syllabic nucleus | syllabic peak | syllable | tapping | tense | threatening | TNT | touch-and-go | touchy | transition sound | trinitrotoluol | triphthong | ugly | uncertain | unpredictable | unsound | unstable | velar | villanous saltpetre | vocable | vocalic | vocoid | voice | voiced sound | voiceless sound | voicing | volatile | volcanic | vowel

See Also | azoimide | blasting gelatin | burster | bursting charge | charge | chemical | cordite | dynamite | explosive charge | explosive device | gunpowder | high explosive | HN | hydrazoic acid | hydrogen azide | load | payload | plastic explosive | plastique | powder | smokeless powder | TNT | trinitrotoluene | warhead

Explosive In Webster's Dictionary

\Ex*plo"sive\, a. [Cf. F. explosif.] Driving or bursting out with violence and noise; causing explosion; as, the explosive force of gunpowder.
\Ex*plo"sive\, n. 1. An explosive agent; a compound or mixture susceptible of a rapid chemical reaction, as gunpowder, or nitro-glycerine. 2. A sound produced by an explosive impulse of the breath; (Phonetics) one of consonants p, b, t, d, k, g, which are sounded with a sort of explosive power of voice. Note: [See Guide to Pronunciation, [root] 155-7, 184.]

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