About The Word Aspiration

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Aspiration Meaning & Definition
Aspiration Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Aspiration?

[n] the act of inhaling; the drawing in of air (or other gases) as in breathing
[n] a will to succeed
[n] a manner of articulation involving an audible release of breath
[n] a cherished desire; "his ambition is to own his own business"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Aspiration: ambition | breathing in | dream | inhalation | inspiration

Related Terms | Find terms related to Aspiration: aim | allophone | alveolar | ambition | ambitiousness | animus | apico-alveolar | apico-dental | Aqua-Lung | articulation | artificial respiration | assimilation | assumption | assurance | assured faith | asthmatic wheeze | basis | bated breath | bilabial | bleeding | bloodletting | breath | breath of air | breathing | breathy voice | broaching | broken wind | cacuminal | calling | cause | cerebral | check | cheerful expectation | confidence | consideration | consonant | continuant | conviction | cough | counsel | craving | cupping | dental | dependence | desideration | desideratum | design | desire | determination | diphthong | direction | dissimilation | doomed hope | drafting | drainage | draining | drawing | dream | effect | emptying | epenthetic vowel | exhalation | expectation | expiration | explosive | exsufflation | fair prospect | faith | fervent hope | fixed purpose | function | gasp | glide | glottal | glottalization | goal | good cheer | good hope | great expectations | ground | guiding light | guiding star | gulp | guttural | hack | hankering | hiccup | high goal | high hopes | hope | hopeful prognosis | hopefulness | hopes | hoping | hoping against hope | idea | ideal | idealism | ideals | inhalation | inhalator | inhalement | inspiration | insufflation | intendment | intent | intention | iron lung | labial | labialization | labiodental | labiovelar | laryngeal | lateral | lingual | liquid | little voice | lodestar | longing | low voice | lust | mainspring | manner of articulation | matter | meaning | milking | mind | modification | monophthong | morphophoneme | motive | mouth-to-mouth resuscitation | mumble | mumbling | murmur | murmuration | murmuring | mute | mutter | muttering | nasal | nisus | objective | occlusive | oxygen mask | oxygen tent | palatal | pant | parasitic vowel | passion | peak | pharyngeal | pharyngealization | phlebotomy | phone | phoneme | pipetting | plan | plosive | plot | point | prayerful hope | presumption | pretension | principle | project | promise | proposal | prospect | prospects | prospectus | prothetic vowel | puff | pumping | purpose | reaching high | reason | reliance | resolution | resolve | respiration | retroflex | sake | sanguine expectation | scheme | score | scuba | security | segmental phoneme | semivowel | sigh | siphoning | sneeze | sniff | sniffle | snore | snoring | snuff | snuffle | soft voice | sonant | sonority | source | speech sound | spring | stage whisper | sternutation | stertor | still small voice | stop | striving | study | suck | sucking | suction | surd | suspiration | susurration | susurrus | syllabic nucleus | syllabic peak | syllable | tapping | transition sound | triphthong | trust | ulterior motive | underbreath | undertone | upward looking | urge | velar | venesection | view | vocable | vocalic | vocation | vocoid | voice | voiced sound | voiceless sound | voicing | vowel | well-grounded hope | wheeze | whisper | whispering | will | wind | wish | yearning

See Also | ambition | ambitiousness | American Dream | articulation | breath | breathing | desire | drag | emulation | external respiration | gasp | nationalism | pant | puff | pull | respiration | ventilation

Aspiration In Webster's Dictionary

\As`pi*ra"tion\, n. [L. aspiratio, fr. aspirare: cf. F. aspiration.] 1. The act of aspirating; the pronunciation of a letter with a full or strong emission of breath; an aspirated sound. If aspiration be defined to be an impetus of breathing. --Wilkins. 2. The act of breathing; a breath; an inspiration. 3. The act of aspiring of a ardently desiring; strong wish; high desire. ``Aspirations after virtue.'' --Johnson. Vague aspiration after military renown. --Prescott.

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