About The Word Dubious

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Dubious Meaning & Definition
Dubious Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Dubious?

[adj] fraught with uncertainty or doubt; "they were doubtful that the cord would hold"; "it was doubtful whether she would be admitted"; "dubious about agreeing to go"
[adj] not convinced; "they admitted the force of my argument but remained dubious"
[adj] open to doubt or suspicion; "the candidate's doubtful past"; "he has a dubious record indeed"; "what one found uncertain the other found dubious or downright false"; "it was more than dubitable whether the friend was as influential as she thought"- Karen Horney

Synonyms | Synonyms for Dubious: doubtful | dubitable | in question(p) | incertain | questionable | uncertain | unconvinced | unsure

Related Terms | Find terms related to Dubious: a bit thick | a bit thin | absurd | agnostic | ambitendent | ambivalent | amoral | arguable | at issue | at loose ends | beguiling | beyond belief | capricious | catchy | changeable | confutable | conjectural | conscienceless | contestable | controversial | controvertible | corrupt | corrupted | criminal | crooked | dark | debatable | deceiving | deceptive | delusive | delusory | deniable | devious | dishonest | dishonorable | disinclined | disputable | distrustful | double-minded | doubtable | doubtful | doubting | dubitable | equivocal | evasive | fallacious | false | felonious | fence-sitting | fence-straddling | fickle | fishy | fly-by-night | fraudulent | from Missouri | hallucinatory | hard of belief | hard to believe | hardly possible | hesitant | Humean | iffy | ill-got | ill-gotten | illusive | illusory | immoral | implausible | improbable | in dispute | in doubt | in dubio | in question | inconceivable | incredible | incredulous | indecisive | indirect | infirm of purpose | insecure | insidious | irresolute | irresolved | leery | mercurial | misleading | mistakable | mistrustful | mistrusting | moot | more than doubtful | mugwumpian | mugwumpish | mutable | not deserving belief | not kosher | of two minds | open | open to doubt | open to question | open to suspicion | passing belief | preposterous | problematic | Pyrrhonic | questionable | questioning | refutable | reluctant | ridiculous | rocky | rotten | scrupulous | shady | shaky | shameless | shifty | shy | sinister | skeptic | skeptical | slippery | speculative | staggering belief | suppositional | suspect | suspecting | suspicious | tall | thick | thin | tottery | treacherous | trickish | tricksy | tricky | trustless | unbelievable | uncertain | unclear | unconscienced | unconscientious | unconscionable | unconvincing | undecided | undependable | underhand | underhanded | undetermined | unearthly | unethical | ungodly | unhealthy | unimaginable | unlikely | unpredictable | unprincipled | unpromising | unreliable | unresolved | unsafe | unsavory | unscrupulous | unsettled | unsound | unstable | unsteady | unstraightforward | unsure | unthinkable | untrusting | untrustworthy | untrusty | unworthy of belief | wary | without remorse | without shame

See Also |

Dubious In Webster's Dictionary

\Du"bi*ous\, a. [L. dubius, dubiosus, fr. duo two. See {Two}, and cf. {Doubt}.] 1. Doubtful or not settled in opinion; being in doubt; wavering or fluctuating; undetermined. ``Dubious policy.'' --Sir T. Scott. A dubious, agitated state of mind. --Thackeray. 2. Occasioning doubt; not clear, or obvious; equivocal; questionable; doubtful; as, a dubious answer. Wiping the dingy shirt with a still more dubious pocket handkerchief. --Thackeray. 3. Of uncertain event or issue; as, in dubious battle. Syn: Doubtful; doubting; unsettled; undetermined; equivocal; uncertain. Cf. {Doubtful}.

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