About The Word Inconceivable

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Learn about the word Inconceivable to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Inconceivable definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Inconceivable Meaning & Definition
Inconceivable Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Inconceivable?

[adj] totally unlikely

Synonyms | Synonyms for Inconceivable: impossible | out of the question | unimaginable | unthinkable

Related Terms | Find terms related to Inconceivable: a bit thick | a bit thin | absurd | antic | barred | beguiling | bewildering | beyond belief | closed-out | contrary to reason | doubtable | doubtful | dubious | dubitable | enigmatic | exceptional | excluded | extraordinary | fabulous | fanciful | fantastic | fascinating | hard of belief | hard to believe | hopeless | implausible | impossible | incomprehensible | incredible | logically impossible | marvelous | mind-boggling | miraculous | not deserving belief | not possible | open to doubt | open to suspicion | outlandish | overwhelming | oxymoronic | paradoxical | passing belief | passing strange | phenomenal | preposterous | problematic | prodigious | prohibited | puzzling | questionable | rare | remarkable | ridiculous | ruled-out | self-contradictory | sensational | staggering | staggering belief | strange | striking | stupendous | suspect | suspicious | tall | thick | thin | unaccountable | unbelievable | unconvincing | unearthly | unexpected | ungodly | unheard-of | unimaginable | unique | unknowable | unprecedented | unthinkable | unworthy of belief | weak | wonderful | wondrous

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Inconceivable In Webster's Dictionary

\In`con*ceiv"a*ble\, a. [Pref. in- not + conceivable: cf. F. inconcevable.] Not conceivable; incapable of being conceived by the mind; not explicable by the human intellect, or by any known principles or agencies; incomprehensible; as, it is inconceivable to us how the will acts in producing muscular motion. It is inconceivable to me that a spiritual substance should represent an extended figure. --Locke. -- {In`con*ceiv"a*ble*ness}, n. -- {In`con*ceiv"a*bly}, adv. The inconceivableness of a quality existing without any subject to possess it. --A. Tucker.

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