Synonyms & Similar Words To Turnip-shaped

Bay Area Crosswords

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Turnip-shaped Synonyms & Similar Words
Turnip-shaped Synonyms & Similar Words

What Are Synonyms And Similar Words To Turnip-shaped?

acorn-shaped, awl-shaped, bacillar, bacillary, bacilliform, baculiform, bag-shaped, bar-shaped, basket-shaped, belt-shaped, biform, blown, boot-shaped, bottle-shaped, botuliform, butterfly-shaped, button-shaped, cast, catenulate, chainlike, claw-shaped, club-shaped, cowl-shaped, cross-shaped, die-cast, drum-like, drum-shaped, ductile, eel-shaped, fan-shaped, fig-shaped, foot-shaped, football-shaped, formed, funnel-shaped, guitar-shaped, H-shaped, hammer-shaped, harp-shaped, hook-shaped, horn-shaped, hourglass-shaped, keel-shaped, L-shaped, lance-shaped, lancet-shaped, lip-shaped, lyre-shaped, malleable, molded, navicular, nutmeg-shaped, oven-shaped, paddle-shaped, perfected, phylliform, pitcher-shaped, pliable, pliant, precast, ribbon-shaped, rod-shaped, rudder-like, s-shaped, saddle-shaped, scaphoid, shaped, slipper-shaped, spade-like, spade-shaped, spider-shaped, spoon-shaped, stirrup-shaped, T-shaped, tadpole-shaped, tassel-shaped, tensile, thimble-shaped, tractile, trumpet-shaped, turnip-shaped, U-shaped, umbrella-shaped, v-shaped, vase-shaped, vermiform, W-shaped, worm-shaped, wrought, Y-shaped

turnip-shaped is a ADJ.

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