What Are Synonyms And Similar Words To Cast?
acorn-shaped, awl-shaped, bacillar, bacillary, bacilliform, baculiform, bag-shaped, bar-shaped, basket-shaped, belt-shaped, biform, blown, boot-shaped, bottle-shaped, botuliform, butterfly-shaped, button-shaped, cast, catenulate, chainlike, claw-shaped, club-shaped, cowl-shaped, cross-shaped, die-cast, drum-like, drum-shaped, ductile, eel-shaped, fan-shaped, fig-shaped, foot-shaped, football-shaped, formed, funnel-shaped, guitar-shaped, H-shaped, hammer-shaped, harp-shaped, hook-shaped, horn-shaped, hourglass-shaped, keel-shaped, L-shaped, lance-shaped, lancet-shaped, lip-shaped, lyre-shaped, malleable, molded, navicular, nutmeg-shaped, oven-shaped, paddle-shaped, perfected, phylliform, pitcher-shaped, pliable, pliant, precast, ribbon-shaped, rod-shaped, rudder-like, s-shaped, saddle-shaped, scaphoid, shaped, slipper-shaped, spade-like, spade-shaped, spider-shaped, spoon-shaped, stirrup-shaped, T-shaped, tadpole-shaped, tassel-shaped, tensile, thimble-shaped, tractile, trumpet-shaped, turnip-shaped, U-shaped, umbrella-shaped, v-shaped, vase-shaped, vermiform, W-shaped, worm-shaped, wrought, Y-shaped
cast is a ADJ.
cast, cast of characters, casting, dramatis personae, form, hurl, mold, mould, plaster bandage, plaster cast, roll, shape, stamp
cast is a NOUN.
barf, be sick, cast, cast anchor, cast off, cat, chuck, contrive, couc, couch, disgorge, draw, drif, drift, dro, drop, frame, honk, hurl, hurtle, mold, mould, project, puke, purge, put, ramble, range, redact, regorge, regurgitat, regurgitate, retch, roam, roll, rove, shake off, shed, sick, spew, spue, stray, swan, throw, throw away, throw off, throw u, throw up, tramp, upchuck, vagabon, vagabond, vomit, vomit up, wander
cast is a VERB.