What Are Synonyms And Similar Words To Inflamed?
ablaze, adorned, angry, arthritic, asthmatic, autofluorescent, bad, beaded, beady, bedaubed, bejeweled, bejewelled, bespangled, bespectacled, bioluminescent, blebby, blistery, bloated, bloodshot, braided, bright, brocaded, buttony, candent, candescent, cankerous, carbuncled, carbuncular, carious, caseous, champleve, chilblained, clad, clinquant, cloisonne, clothed, colicky, creaky, crested, crocketed, cytomegalic, decorated, dehydrated, diseased, distended, dropsical, edematous, embellished, embossed, embroidered, enameled, encircled, enlarged, fancied up, fancy, feathered, feathery, flatulent, floodlighted, floodlit, fluorescent, foaming, foamy, frail, frilled, frilly, fringed, frothing, gangrenous, gassy, gemmed, gilt-edged, gussied, gussied up, hung, icteric, ill, illuminated, illuminating, incandescent, inflamed, inflammatory, ingrowing, ingrown, inlaid, intumescent, inwrought, jaundiced, jeweled, jewelled, laced, lamplit, light, lighted, lighting-up, lit, livid, luminescent, membrane-forming, membranous, mental, monocled, morbid, mortified, mosaic, mounted, ornamented, ornate, paneled, pathologic, pathological, phosphorescent, plumed, plumy, pro-inflammatory, proinflammatory, puffed, puffy, raised, reddened, rheumatic, rheumatoid, rheumy, ringed, ruffled, sallow, sequined, sick, sickly, sore-eyed, spangled, spangly, spectacled, studded, sunburned, sunburnt, sunlit, sunstruck, swollen, tapestried, tasseled, tasselled, tessellated, tinseled, tinselly, topknotted, tricked out, tricked-out, tufted, tumescent, tumid, turgid, ulcerated, ulcerous, unfit, unhealthy, unsound, unwholesome, varicose, wainscoted, well-lighted, wheezing, wheezy, white, windburned, windburnt, wreathed, yellow
inflamed is a ADJ.