Synonyms & Similar Words To Bad

Bay Area Crosswords

Discover Bad synonyms & similar words to Bad to help you solve your crossword puzzle at the free online Thesaurus from Bay Area Crosswords.


Bad Synonyms & Similar Words
Bad Synonyms & Similar Words

What Are Synonyms And Similar Words To Bad?

abominable, abusive, addled, admonishing, admonitory, adverse, aggravated, amiss, angry, arthritic, artificial, ashamed, assumed, asthmatic, atrocious, awful, awry, bad, base, big, black, blebby, blistery, bloated, blood-and-guts, bloodshot, bogus, bottom, broken, bruising, bum, bush, bush-league, calumniatory, calumnious, cankerous, carbuncled, carbuncular, carious, caseous, catastrophic, cheap, cheapjack, cheesy, chilblained, chintzy, coarse, coarsened, cold, colicky, comfortless, commercial, common, concentrated, consuming, contrary, contrite, corked, corky, corruptive, counterfeit, counterproductive, crappy, creaky, critical, crummy, cytomegalic, damaged, damaging, dark, day-old, dead, deep, defamatory, defective, defiant, dehydrated, deleterious, demonic, denigrating, denigrative, denigratory, deplorable, despicable, destructive, detrimental, devilish, diabolic, diabolical, difficult, disadvantageous, disapproving, discriminatory, diseased, disobedient, distended, distressing, dreadful, dropsical, edematous, enlarged, evil, evil-minded, execrable, exquisite, extreme, fake, fallacious, false, fearful, fictitious, fictive, fiendish, fierce, flagitious, flatulent, flimsy, flyblown, foaming, foamy, forged, fractious, frail, frightful, frothing, froward, gangrenous, gassy, grievous, hard, harmful, haywire, headstrong, heinous, hellish, high-risk, hopeless, horrid, hostile, hurtful, icky, icteric, ill, illegitimate, imitative, immoderate, immoral, inauspicious, inauthentic, incompetent, incorrigible, inferior, infernal, inflamed, inflammatory, ingrowing, ingrown, injured, injurious, insidious, insincere, intemperate, intense, intensified, intensive, intractable, intumescent, invalid, invalidated, invidious, irritating, jaundiced, keen, lamentable, last, last-place, less, libellous, libelous, limp, long, lousy, low-grade, lowest, maggoty, main, malfunctioning, malign, mediocre, membrane-forming, membranous, mental, mephistophelean, mephistophelian, mischievous, miserable, mock, moldy, monstrous, morbid, mortified, mouldy, musty, naughty, negative, no-good, nocent, noncompliant, nonfunctional, nonstandard, noxious, null, nullified, obstinate, offensive, old, ostensible, ostensive, out of whack, overwhelming, painful, pathologic, pathological, penitent, penitential, pernicious, perverse, perversive, pessimal, pessimum, pestiferous, phoney, phony, pinchbeck, pitiful, poor, prejudicial, prejudicious, pretended, pretty, pro-inflammatory, profound, proinflammatory, pseudo, puffed, puffy, punk, put on, raging, rancid, recalcitrant, recusant, refractory, regretful, remorseful, repentant, reproachful, reproving, rheumatic, rheumatoid, rheumy, risky, ropey, ropy, rotten, rubber, rueful, ruinous, run-down, ruthful, sad, sallow, satanic, scrawny, screaming, scrubby, second-class, second-rate, self-willed, severe, sham, shoddy, sick, sickly, sinister, slanderous, sleazy, slimy, smart, sophistic, sophistical, sore-eyed, sorry, speculative, spoiled, spoilt, spurious, stabbing, stale, stinking, stinky, strong, stubborn, stunted, subtle, sunburned, sunburnt, swingeing, swollen, synthetic, tawdry, tearing, terrible, terrific, thick, third-rate, tinny, tough, toxic, trigger-happy, tumescent, tumid, turgid, ugly, ulcerated, ulcerous, unabated, unacceptable, unaccepted, unauthentic, uncollectible, uncomfortable, uncomplimentary, uncool, uneasy, unfavorable, unfavourable, unfit, unhealthy, unholy, unmanageable, unoriginal, unreal, unregenerate, unrighteous, unskilled, unsound, unspeakable, unsuitable, untoward, unwholesome, unworthy, utility, utility-grade, utmost, uttermost, varicose, vehement, vile, violent, void, warm, wayward, wheezing, wheezy, wicked, wild, wildcat, wilful, willful, wilted, windburned, windburnt, woeful, worse, worst, worthless, wounding, wretched, wrong, yellow

bad is a ADJ.

bad, badly

bad is a ADV.

bad, badness

bad is a NOUN.

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