Synonyms & Similar Words To Indulgent
Discover Indulgent synonyms & similar words to Indulgent to help you solve your crossword puzzle at the free online Thesaurus from Bay Area Crosswords.
Indulgent Synonyms & Similar Words |
What Are Synonyms And Similar Words To Indulgent?
affirmative, affirmatory, approbative, approbatory, approving, betting, card-playing, complimentary, crapulent, crapulous, decadent, dissipated, edacious, effete, epicurean, esurient, favorable, favourable, gay, gluttonous, good, greedy, hard, heavy, hedonic, hedonistic, hoggish, indulgent, intemperate, lenient, luxuriant, luxurious, overgreedy, overindulgent, pampering, permissive, piggish, piggy, plausive, pleasing, porcine, rapacious, ravening, ravenous, self-indulgent, soft, sporting, swinish, sybaritic, too-greedy, voluptuary, voluptuous, voracious, wolfish
indulgent is a ADJ. |
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