Synonyms & Similar Words To Favorable

Bay Area Crosswords

Discover Favorable synonyms & similar words to Favorable to help you solve your crossword puzzle at the free online Thesaurus from Bay Area Crosswords.


Favorable Synonyms & Similar Words
Favorable Synonyms & Similar Words

What Are Synonyms And Similar Words To Favorable?

acceptable, accessible, affable, affirmative, affirmatory, amiable, amicable, approbative, approbatory, approving, assentient, auspicious, bang-up, best, better, bully, chummy, companionate, complimentary, comradely, congenial, convenient, cordial, corking, couthie, couthy, cozy, cracking, dandy, encomiastic, eulogistic, expedient, favorable, favourable, following, friendly, genial, golden, good, good enough, goodish, gracious, great, groovy, hail-fellow, hail-fellow-well-met, handy, hospitable, hot, indulgent, informal, intimate, keen, laudatory, lucky, matey, neat, neighborly, neighbourly, nifty, not bad, obedient, pally, palsy-walsy, panegyric, panegyrical, peachy, plausive, pleasing, positive, praiseful, praising, propitious, prosperous, redeeming, respectable, satisfactory, slap-up, smashing, sociable, social, solid, superb, swell, warm, well behaved, well-behaved, well-disposed

favorable is a ADJ.

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