Synonyms & Similar Words To Fantastic

Bay Area Crosswords

Discover Fantastic synonyms & similar words to Fantastic to help you solve your crossword puzzle at the free online Thesaurus from Bay Area Crosswords.


Fantastic Synonyms & Similar Words
Fantastic Synonyms & Similar Words

What Are Synonyms And Similar Words To Fantastic?

A-one, ace, adorned, antic, artificial, aureate, awful, banner, baroque, battlemented, best, blue-ribbon, bonzer, boss, brag, brilliant, busy, capital, castellated, castled, chimerical, choice, churrigueresco, churrigueresque, counterfeit, crack, crackle, crazy, crenelate, crenelated, crenellate, crenellated, curious, damascene, damask, decorated, delusive, dreamed, dressy, eerie, eery, elaborate, embattled, envisioned, exceeding, excellent, exceptional, exotic, extraordinary, extraorinaire, eye-deceiving, fabled, fabricated, fabulous, false, fancied, fanciful, fancy, fantabulous, fantastic, fantastical, fictional, fictitious, first-class, first-rate, flamboyant, florid, freaky, frightful, funny, fussy, garnished, gilt-edged, gothic, grand, great, greatest, grotesque, hallucinatory, high-performance, howling, illusional, illusionary, illusive, illusory, imaginary, imagined, imitative, impossible, impractical, incomparable, indented, insincere, invented, kafkaesque, lacelike, lacy, legendary, luxuriant, made-up, make-believe, marvellous, marvelous, mythic, mythical, mythologic, mythological, notional, odd, oddish, olympian, one, other, outstanding, peculiar, phantasmagoric, phantasmagorical, phenomenal, pictured, premium, pretend, preternatural, prime, prize, prodigious, pucka, puff, puffed, pukka, pyrotechnic, quaint, quality, queer, rare, rattling, remarkable, rhetorical, rococo, rum, rummy, select, shining, singular, some, special, spiffing, sterling, strange, super, superb, superior, superlative, supernatural, supreme, surpassing, surreal, surrealistic, terrible, terrific, tiptop, top-flight, top-hole, topnotch, topping, tops, transcendent, tremendous, trompe-l'oeil, uncanny, uncommon, uncomparable, unreal, unrealistic, unusual, vermicular, vermiculate, vermiculated, visualised, visualized, weapons-grade, weird, well-made, wild, wonderful, wonderworking, wondrous

fantastic is a ADJ.

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