About The Word Pope

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Learn about the word Pope to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Pope definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Pope Meaning & Definition
Pope Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Pope?

[n] the head of the Roman Catholic Church

Synonyms | Synonyms for Pope: Holy Father | pontiff | Vicar of Christ

Related Terms | Find terms related to Pope: abuna | antipope | archbishop | archdeacon | archpriest | bishop | bishop coadjutor | canon | cardinal | cardinal bishop | cardinal deacon | cardinal priest | chaplain | coadjutor | curate | dean | diocesan | ecclesiarch | exarch | Grand Penitentiary | hierarch | high priest | Holy Father | metropolitan | papa | patriarch | penitentiary | pontiff | prebendary | prelate | primate | rector | rural dean | subdean | suffragan | vicar

See Also | Achille Ratti | Aeneas Silvius | Albino Luciano | Alexander VI | Alfonso Borgia | Ambrogio Damiano Achille Ratti | Antonio Ghislieri | Bartolomeo Prignano | Borgia | Calixtus III | Catholic | Enea Silvio Piccolomini | Eugenio Pacelli | Giovanni de Medici | Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto | Gregory | Gregory I | Gregory the Great | Gregory VII | Gregory XIII | Hildebrand | Innocent III | John Paul I | John Paul II | Karol Wojtyla | Leo I | Leo III | Leo the Great | Leo X | Lotario di Segni | Luigi Barnaba Gregorio Chiaramonti | Odo of Lagery | papacy | Pius II | Pius V | Pius VII | Pius X | Pius XI | Pius XII | pontificate | Pope Alexander VI | Rodrigo Borgia | Saint Gregory I | spiritual leader | St Gregory I | St Leo I | Ugo Buoncompagni | Urban II | Urban VI

Pope In Webster's Dictionary

\Pope\, n. [AS. p[=a]pa, L. papa father, bishop. Cf. {Papa}, {Papal}.] 1. Any ecclesiastic, esp. a bishop. [Obs.] --Foxe. 2. The bishop of Rome, the head of the Roman Catholic Church. See {Note} under {Cardinal}. 3. A parish priest, or a chaplain, of the Greek Church. 4. (Zo["o]l.) A fish; the ruff. {Pope Joan}, a game at cards played on a round board with compartments. {Pope's eye}, the gland surrounded with fat in the middle of the thigh of an ox or sheep. --R. D. Blackmore. {Pope's nose}, the rump, or uropygium, of a bird. See {Uropygium}.

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