About The Word Goddess

Bay Area Crosswords

Learn about the word Goddess to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Goddess definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Goddess Meaning & Definition
Goddess Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Goddess?

[n] a female deity

Synonyms | Synonyms for Goddess:

Related Terms | Find terms related to Goddess: afflatus | Aides | Aidoneus | Amen-Ra | Amor | Aphrodite | Apollo | Apollo Musagetes | Ares | Artemis | artistic imagination | Ashtoreth | Astarte | Astraea | Athena | Atropos | Baal | ball lightning | Bellona | biosphere | blindfolded Justice | bolt | bolt of lightning | Bragi | Cailleac | Calliope | Castilian Spring | Cerberus | Ceres | chain lightning | Charon | clash | clashing | Clio | Clotho | commercialism | conception | conflict | contention | Cora | corn god | corn spirit | creative imagination | creative power | creative thought | Cupid | Cynthia | Dame Fortune | dark lightning | Davy | Davy Jones | Decuma | deep | Demeter | demigod | demigoddess | Despoina | Diana | Dike | Dionysos | Dionysus | Dis | Dis pater | disaccord | disaffinity | discord | discordance | discordancy | Discordia | disharmony | Donar | dread rattling thunder | Dylan | Earth | enmity | Enyo | Erato | Erebus | Eris | Eros | esemplastic imagination | esemplastic power | Euterpe | Fata | Fates | faun | Faunus | fertility god | field spirit | fire of genius | fireball | firebolt | Flora | flying flame | forest god | forked lightning | Fortuna | fresh-water nymph | Frey | Freya | friction | Frigg | fulguration | fulmination | Gaea | Gaia | Ge | genius | geography | geosphere | globe | god | Hades | Heaven | Hecate | Hekate | Hel | Helicon | Helios | Hera | Hermes | hero | heroine | Hestia | Hippocrene | Hymen | Hyperion | idol | incompatibility | incompatibleness | Indra | industrialism | inharmoniousness | inharmony | inspiration | Isis | jangle | jar | Juno | Jupiter Fidius | Jupiter Fulgur | Jupiter Pluvius | Jupiter Tonans | Justice | Justitia | Kama | kelpie | Kore | Lachesis | lares and penates | levin bolt | lightning | limniad | Loki | Love | Luna | man fish | Mars | Melpomene | mercantilism | Mercury | mermaid | merman | Minerva | Minos | mischief | Moirai | Morta | mother earth | Muse | mythicization | mythification | mythopoeia | naiad | Nemesis | Neptune | Nereid | Nereus | nix | nixie | Nona | noncooperation | Norns | oak-cleaving thunderbolts | ocean nymph | Oceanid | Oceanus | Odin | open conflict | Orcus | Osiris | Pan | panisc | panisca | paniscus | Parcae | Parnassus | peal of thunder | Persephassa | Persephone | Phoebe | Phoebus | Phoebus Apollo | phoenix | Pierian Spring | Pierides | Pluto | poesy | poetic genius | poetic imagination | Polyhymnia | Pomona | Poseidon | Priapus | Pronuba | Proserpina | Proserpine | Providence | Ra | Rhadamanthus | rub | Satan | satyr | Savitar | sea devil | sea god | sea nymph | sea-maid | sea-maiden | seaman | Selene | Set | Shamash | shaping imagination | sheet lightning | silenus | siren | Skuld | Sol | strained relations | stroke of lightning | Surya | sylvan deity | Teleia | Tellus | tension | Terpsichore | Terra | terrestrial globe | Thalia | the blue planet | the goat god | the Muses | Themis | Thetis | this pendent world | Thor | thunder | thunderball | thunderbolt | thunderclap | thundercrack | thundering | thunderpeal | thunderstorm | thunderstroke | Titan | Tiu | Triptolemos | Triptolemus | Triton | Tyche | Typhon | Tyr | undine | unharmoniousness | unpleasantness | Urdur | vale | vale of tears | Varuna | Vayu | vegetation spirit | Venus | Verthandi | Vesta | Vidar | Vitharr | water god | water spirit | water sprite | Weird Sisters | Weirds | whole wide world | Woden | world | Wotan | Zephyr | Zephyrus | Zeus

See Also | deity | divinity | earth-goddess | god | immortal

Goddess In Webster's Dictionary

\God"dess\, n. 1. A female god; a divinity, or deity, of the female sex. When the daughter of Jupiter presented herself among a crowd of goddesses, she was distinguished by her graceful stature and superior beauty. --Addison. 2. A woman of superior charms or excellence.

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