About The Word Dis

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Learn about the word Dis to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Dis definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Dis Meaning & Definition
Dis Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Dis?

[n] god of the underworld; counterpart of Greek Pluto

Synonyms | Synonyms for Dis: Orcus

Related Terms | Find terms related to Dis: Agdistis | Aides | Aidoneus | Amor | Aphrodite | Apollo | Apollon | Ares | Artemis | Ate | Athena | Bacchus | Cerberus | Ceres | Charon | Cora | Cronus | Cupid | Cybele | Demeter | Despoina | Diana | Dionysus | Dis pater | Erebus | Eros | Gaea | Gaia | Ge | Great Mother | Hades | Hel | Helios | Hephaestus | Hera | Here | Hermes | Hestia | Hymen | Hyperion | Jove | Juno | Jupiter | Jupiter Fidius | Jupiter Fulgur | Jupiter Optimus Maximus | Jupiter Pluvius | Jupiter Tonans | Kore | Kronos | Loki | Magna Mater | Mars | Mercury | Minerva | Minos | Mithras | Momus | Neptune | Nike | Olympians | Olympic gods | Ops | Orcus | Osiris | Persephassa | Persephone | Phoebus | Phoebus Apollo | Pluto | Poseidon | Proserpina | Proserpine | Rhadamanthus | Rhea | Satan | Saturn | Tellus | Venus | Vesta | Vulcan | Zeus

See Also | Roman deity

Dis In Webster's Dictionary

\Dis-\ (?; 258) . 1. A prefix from the Latin, whence F. d['e]s, or sometimes d['e]-, dis-. The Latin dis-appears as di-before b, d, g, l, m, n, r, v, becomes dif-before f, and either dis-or di- before j. It is from the same root as bis twice, and duo, E. two. See {Two}, and cf. {Bi-}, {Di-}, {Dia-}. Dis-denotes separation, a parting from, as in distribute, disconnect; hence it often has the force of a privative and negative, as in disarm, disoblige, disagree. Also intensive, as in dissever. Note: Walker's rule of pronouncing this prefix is, that the s ought always to be pronounced like z, when the next syllable is accented and begins with ``a flat mute [b, d, v, g, z], a liquid [l, m, n, r], or a vowel; as, disable, disease, disorder, disuse, disband, disdain, disgrace, disvalue, disjoin, dislike, dislodge, dismay, dismember, dismiss, dismount, disnatured, disrank, disrelish, disrobe.'' Dr. Webster's example in disapproving of Walker's rule and pronouncing dis-as diz in only one (disease) of the above words, is followed by recent ortho["e]pists. See {Disable}, {Disgrace}, and the other words, beginning with dis-, in this Dictionary. 2. A prefix from Gr. di`s- twice. See {Di-}.
\Dis\, n. [L.] The god Pluto. --Shak.

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