What Are Synonyms And Similar Words To Sooty?
achromatic, argent, ash-gray, ash-grey, ashy, Augean, bedraggled, befouled, begrimed, bespattered, besplashed, black, black-gray, black-grey, blackish, blackish-gray, blackish-grey, blue-black, blue-gray, blue-grey, blue-white, bluish black, bluish-gray, bluish-grey, bluish-white, brown-black, brown-gray, brown-grey, brownish-black, brownish-gray, brownish-grey, buggy, canescent, chalky, charcoal, charcoal-gray, charcoal-grey, coal-black, cobwebby, colorless, colourless, cool-white, cottony-white, dark-gray, dark-grey, dingy, dirty, dirty-faced, draggled, dull-white, dust-covered, dusty, ebon, ebony, faecal, fecal, feculent, filthy, flyblown, foul, fouled, gray, gray-black, gray-white, grayish, grayish-black, grayish-white, greasy, green-white, greenish-gray, greenish-grey, greenish-white, grey, grey-black, grey-white, greyish, greyish-black, greyish-white, grimy, grubby, grungy, hueless, impure, ink-black, inky, inky-black, iron-gray, iron-grey, jet, jet-black, lily-white, lousy, maculate, milk-white, mucky, muddy, nasty, neutral, off-white, oily, olive-gray, olive-grey, oxford-gray, oxford-grey, pearl gray, pearl grey, pearly, pearly-white, pinkish-white, pitchy, purple-black, purple-white, purplish-black, purplish-white, ratty, raunchy, red-gray, red-grey, reddish-gray, reddish-grey, sable, scummy, silver, silver-gray, silver-grey, silver-white, silverish, silvery, silvery-gray, silvery-grey, silvery-white, slate-black, slate-gray, slate-grey, slatey, slaty, slaty-gray, slaty-grey, smudgy, smutty, snot-nosed, snotty, snow-white, snowy, soiled, soot-black, sooty, sooty-black, sordid, spattered, splashed, squalid, stone-gray, stone-grey, travel-soiled, travel-stained, unclean, uncleanly, unswept, untidy, unwashed, violet-black, white-flowered, whitish, yellow-gray, yellow-grey, yellow-white, yellowish-gray, yellowish-grey, yellowish-white
sooty is a ADJ.