Synonyms & Similar Words To Separate

Bay Area Crosswords

Discover Separate synonyms & similar words to Separate to help you solve your crossword puzzle at the free online Thesaurus from Bay Area Crosswords.


Separate Synonyms & Similar Words
Separate Synonyms & Similar Words

What Are Synonyms And Similar Words To Separate?

abstracted, another, apart, asternal, asunder, autarkic, autarkical, autonomous, bicameral, bifid, bifurcate, bifurcated, bilocular, biloculate, biramous, bisulcate, black-and-white, branched, breakaway, case-by-case, chambered, cleft, cloven, commutative, detached, dichotomous, different, disconnected, discrete, disjoined, disjoint, disjointed, disjunct, distinct, distributive, disunited, divided, else, episodic, exclusive, exploded, fissiparous, forficate, fork-like, forked, four-pronged, fragmented, free, free-living, freestanding, idiosyncratic, in disagreement, independent, indie, individual, individualist, individualistic, isolable, isolated, item-by-item, lily-white, man-to-man, many-chambered, metameric, mullioned, new, nonparasitic, nonsymbiotic, obscure, one-on-one, opposite, other, otherwise, partitioned, partitioned off, pentamerous, pronged, prongy, quarantined, removed, respective, sectional, sectioned, segmental, segmented, segregated, self-directed, self-reliant, self-sufficient, self-sufficing, self-supporting, self-sustaining, semidetached, separate, separated, separatist, sequestered, set-apart, several, single, single-handed, singular, sole, some other, split, strong-minded, subdivided, three-pronged, tined, torn, trifid, two-chambered, two-pronged, unaccompanied, unaffiliated, unattached, unconditional, unconnected, uncoupled, undivided, unintegrated, unrelated, unshared, various, white

separate is a ADJ.

offprint, reprint, separate

separate is a NOUN.

assort, branch, branch out, break, break u, break up, carve u, carve up, class, classify, come apart, crumble, dawdle, differentiate, discriminate, dissever, distinguish, disunite, divide, drop away, drop off, fall, fall apart, fall away, fall back, fall behind, fall flat, fall for, fall through, flop, fork, founder, furcate, lag, lose, part, ramify, recede, secern, secernate, separate, severalise, severalize, single out, slip, sort, sort out, split, split up, tel, tell, tell apar, tell apart

separate is a VERB.

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