Synonyms & Similar Words To Lean

Bay Area Crosswords

Discover Lean synonyms & similar words to Lean to help you solve your crossword puzzle at the free online Thesaurus from Bay Area Crosswords.


Lean Synonyms & Similar Words
Lean Synonyms & Similar Words

What Are Synonyms And Similar Words To Lean?

anorectic, anorexic, asthenic, bladed, boney, bony, cadaverous, capillary, cobwebby, compressed, dead, deep-eyed, deficient, depleted, depressed, diaphanous, ectomorphic, emaciated, filamentlike, filamentous, filiform, filmy, fine, flat, flimsy, gangling, gangly, gaunt, gauze-like, gauzy, gossamer, haggard, hairlike, hollow-eyed, hyperfine, idle, inadequate, insufficient, lank, lanky, lean, light, low, marginal, meager, meagerly, meagre, narrow, paper thin, papery, pinched, poor, rawboned, reedlike, reedy, ribbonlike, ribbony, scant, scarce, scarecrowish, scraggy, scrawny, scrimpy, see-through, sheer, short, shriveled, shrivelled, shrunken, shy, skeletal, skimpy, skinny, sleazy, slender, slender-waisted, slight, slim, slim-waisted, spare, spindle-legged, spindle-shanked, spindly, stingy, stringy, sunken-eyed, svelte, tenuous, thin, threadlike, thready, too little, transparent, trim, twiggy, twiglike, underweight, unproductive, unprofitable, unremunerative, unsuccessful, useless, vaporous, vapourous, wafer-thin, wasp-waisted, wasted, weedy, wiry, wisplike, wispy, withered, wizen, wizened

lean is a ADJ.

inclination, lean, leaning, list, tilt

lean is a NOUN.

angle, be given, incline, lean, lean against, lean on, list, run, slant, tend, tilt, tip, tip over

lean is a VERB.

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