Synonyms & Similar Words To Inclined

Bay Area Crosswords

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Inclined Synonyms & Similar Words
Inclined Synonyms & Similar Words

What Are Synonyms And Similar Words To Inclined?

accident-prone, accumbent, apt, aslant, aslope, atilt, bended, bent, bias, bowed, canted, cata-cornered, catacorner, cater-cornered, catercorner, catty-corner, catty-cornered, cernuous, compliant, consenting, convergent, couchant, crabwise, crooked, crouched, crouching, decumbent, diagonal, disposed, divergent, diverging, dormant, drooping, easy, fain, flat, fond, gentle, given, glad, gradual, happy, high-pitched, huddled, hunched, hunkered, hunkered down, inclined, kitty-corner, kitty-cornered, leaning, low-pitched, minded, monoclinal, nodding, nonparallel, oblique, oblique-angled, partial, pendulous, pitched, prepared, procumbent, prone, prostrate, ready, reclining, recumbent, resupine, round-backed, round-shouldered, salient, semi-prostrate, sidelong, sideways, skew, skewed, slanted, slanting, sleeping, sloped, sloping, slouched, slouching, slumped, stooped, stooping, supine, tending, tilted, tipped, unerect, volitional, voluntary, willing, willing and able

inclined is a ADJ.

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