About The Word Studious

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Studious Meaning & Definition
Studious Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Studious?

[adj] marked by care and effort; "made a studious attempt to fix the television set"
[adj] characterized by diligent study and fondness for reading; "a bookish farmer who always had a book in his pocket"; "a quiet studious child"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Studious: bookish | careful | scholarly

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Studious In Webster's Dictionary

\Stu"di*ous\, a. [L. studious: cf. F. studieux. See {Study}.] 1. Given to study; devoted to the acquisition of knowledge from books; as, a studious scholar. 2. Given to thought, or to the examination of subjects by contemplation; contemplative. --Locke. 3. Earnest in endeavors; aiming sedulously; attentive; observant; diligent; -- usually followed by an infinitive or by of; as, be studious to please; studious to find new friends and allies. You that are so studious Of my affairs, wholly neglect your own. --Massinger. 4. Planned with study; deliberate; studied. For the frigid villainy of studious lewdness, . . . with apology can be invented? --Rambler. 5. Favorable to study; suitable for thought and contemplation; as, the studious shade. [Poetic] But let my due feet never fail To walk the studious cloister's pale. --Milton. -- {Stu"di*ous*ly}, adv. -- {Stu"di*ous*ness}, n.

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