About The Word Poet

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Poet Meaning & Definition
Poet Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Poet?

[n] A writer of poems.

Synonyms | Synonyms for Poet:

Related Terms | Find terms related to Poet: advertising writer | annalist | arch-poet | art critic | author | authoress | ballad maker | balladist | balladmonger | bard | beat poet | belletrist | bibliographer | bucoliast | coauthor | collaborator | columnist | compiler | composer | copywriter | creative artist | creative writer | critic | dance critic | diarist | drama critic | dramatist | elegist | encyclopedist | epic poet | essayist | fancier | fantasist | fantast | fili | free lance | free-lance writer | ghost | ghostwriter | humorist | idyllist | imaginer | imagist | inditer | inventor | jongleur | laureate | librettist | literary artist | literary craftsman | literary critic | literary man | litterateur | logographer | lyricist | magazine writer | major poet | maker | man of letters | Meistersinger | metrist | minnesinger | minor poet | minstrel | modernist | monographer | muse | music critic | mythicizer | mythifier | mythmaker | mythopoet | newspaperman | novelettist | novelist | occasional poet | odist | pamphleteer | Parnassian | pastoral poet | pastoralist | penwoman | poet laureate | poetaster | poetress | prose writer | reviewer | rhapsode | rhapsodist | rhymer | rhymester | satirist | scenario writer | scenarist | scop | scribe | scriptwriter | short-story writer | skald | sonneteer | storyteller | symbolist | technical writer | troubadour | trouveur | trovatore | vers libriste | versemaker | versifier | vers-librist | word painter | wordsmith | writer

See Also | A. E. Housman | Alcaeus | Alfred Edward Housman | Allen Ginsberg | Anne Bradstreet | Anne Dudley Bradstreet | Apollinaire | Arnold | Arp | Auden | author | bard | Baudelaire | Benet | Bertolt Brecht | Blake | Boccaccio | Bradstreet | Brecht | Brooke | Browning | Burns | Byron | Calderon | Calderon de la Barca | Carducci | Carew | Catullus | Charles Baudelaire | Charles Pierre Baudelaire | Chaucer | Ciardi | Coleridge | Corneille | Cowper | Crane | Cynewulf | Cynwulf | Dante | Dante Alighieri | de la Mare | Dickinson | Donne | Dryden | Edward Fitzgerald | Edward James Hughes | elegist | Eliot | Elizabeth Barrett Browning | Emily Dickinson | Fitzgerald | Frederico Garcia Lorca | Frost | Gaius Valerius Catullus | Garcia Lorca | Geoffrey Chaucer | George Gordon Byron | Gerard Manley Hopkins | Gilbert | Ginsberg | Giosue Carducci | Giovanni Boccaccio | Goethe | Gray | Guillaume Apollinaire | Hans Arp | Harold Hart Crane | Hart Crane | Herrick | Hesiod | Hoffmannsthal | Hogg | Homer | Hopkins | Horace | Housman | Hughes | Hugo von Hoffmannsthal | James Hogg | Jean Arp | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | John Anthony Ciardi | John Ciardi | John Donne | John Dryden | Lorca | Lord Byron | Matthew Arnold | Pedro Calderon de la Barca | Pierre Corneille | Poet Laureate | poetess | Robert Browning | Robert Burns | Robert Frost | Robert Herrick | Robert Lee Frost | Rupert Brooke | Samuel Taylor Coleridge | Sir William Gilbert | Sixth Baron Byron of Rochdale | sonneteer | Stephen Vincent Benet | T. S. Eliot | Ted Hughes | Thomas Carew | Thomas Gray | Thomas Stearns Eliot | W. H. Auden | Walter de la Mare | Walter John de la Mare | Wilhelm Apollinaris de Kostrowitzki | William Blake | William Cowper | William Gilbert | William Schwenk Gilbert | writer | Wystan Hugh Auden

Poet In Webster's Dictionary

\Po"et\, n. [F. po["e]te, L. po["e]ta, fr. Gr. ?, fr. ? to make. Cf. {Poem}.] One skilled in making poetry; one who has a particular genius for metrical composition; the author of a poem; an imaginative thinker or writer. The poet's eye, in a fine frenzy rolling, Doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven. --Shak. A poet is a maker, as the word signifies. --Dryden. {Poet laureate}. See under {Laureate}.

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