About The Word Laureate

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Laureate Meaning & Definition
Laureate Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Laureate?

[n] someone honored for great achievements; figuratively someone crowned with a laurel wreath
[adj] worthy of the greatest honor or distinction; "The nation's pediatrician laureate is preparing to lay down his black bag"- James Traub

Synonyms | Synonyms for Laureate: honorable | honourable

Related Terms | Find terms related to Laureate: A per se | ace | arch-poet | award winner | ballad maker | balladmonger | bard | beat poet | boss | bucoliast | champ | champion | chief | commander | crowned with laurel | dean | distinguished | elegist | epic poet | fili | fugleman | genius | head | higher-up | honored | idyllist | imagist | jongleur | leader | librettist | major poet | maker | master | medalist | Meistersinger | minnesinger | minor poet | minstrel | modernist | nonpareil | occasional poet | odist | Olympic medal winner | paragon | Parnassian | pastoral poet | pastoralist | poet | poet laureate | poetress | principal | prizeman | prizetaker | prizewinner | prodigy | rhapsode | rhapsodist | ruler | satirist | scop | senior | skald | sonneteer | star | superior | superman | superstar | symbolist | the greatest | the most | top dog | troubadour | trouveur | trovatore | vers libriste | vers-librist | virtuoso | world champion | world-record holder

See Also | honoree | Nobel Laureate | Nobelist | Poet Laureate

Laureate In Webster's Dictionary

\Lau"re*ate\, a. [L. laureatus, fr. laurea laurel tree, fr. laureus of laurel, fr. laurus laurel: cf. F. laur['e]at. Cf. {Laurel}.] Crowned, or decked, with laurel. --Chaucer. To strew the laureate hearse where Lycid lies. --Milton. Soft on her lap her laureate son reclines. --Pope. {Poet laureate}. (b) One who received an honorable degree in grammar, including poetry and rhetoric, at the English universities; -- so called as being presented with a wreath of laurel. [Obs.] (b) Formerly, an officer of the king's household, whose business was to compose an ode annually for the king's birthday, and other suitable occasions; now, a poet officially distinguished by such honorary title, the office being a sinecure. It is said this title was first given in the time of Edward IV. [Eng.]
\Lau"re*ate\, n. One crowned with laurel; a poet laureate. ``A learned laureate.'' --Cleveland.
\Lau"re*ate\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Laureated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Laureating}.] To honor with a wreath of laurel, as formerly was done in bestowing a degree at the English universities.

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