About The Word Peace

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Peace Meaning & Definition
Peace Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Peace?

[n] a treaty to cease hostilities; "peace came on November 11th"
[n] the absence of mental stress or anxiety
[n] harmonious relations; freedom from disputes; "the roommates lived in peace together"
[n] the state prevailing during the absence of war
[n] the general security of public places; "he was arrested for disturbing the peace"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Peace: ataraxis | heartsease | pacification | peace of mind | peace treaty | peacefulness | public security | repose | serenity

Related Terms | Find terms related to Peace: accord | accordance | affinity | agape | agreement | amity | armistice | arrangement | array | assent | ataraxia | ataraxy | awful silence | bonds of harmony | breathing spell | brotherly love | buffer zone | calm | calmness | caritas | cease-fire | cement of friendship | charity | chorus | coherence | coincidence | commodiousness | communion | community | community of interests | compatibility | composure | concert | concord | concordance | conformance | conformation | conformity | congeniality | congruence | congruency | congruity | consistency | consonance | consort | contemplation | convenience | cooling-off period | cooperation | correspondence | coziness | cushioniness | dead | dead of night | deathlike silence | demilitarized zone | deployment | disposal | disposition | easiness | empathy | equivalence | esprit | esprit de corps | feeling of identity | fellow feeling | fellowship | formation | frictionlessness | friendliness | golden silence | good vibes | good vibrations | happy family | harmoniousness | harmony | hollow truce | homelikeness | homeliness | homeyness | hospitality | hush | hush of night | identity | imperturbability | inaudibility | intersection | kinship | layout | like-mindedness | lineup | love | lucid stillness | lull | luxuriousness | marmoreal repose | marshaling | modus vivendi | mum | mutuality | neutral territory | nirvana | noiselessness | oneness | order | organization | overlap | pacification | parallelism | Pax Dei | pax in bello | Pax Romana | Peace of God | peace of mind | peaceableness | peacefulness | peacetime | placidity | placidness | proportion | quiescence | quiescency | quiet | quietism | quietness | quietude | rapport | rapprochement | reciprocity | regularity | repose | reposefulness | rest | restfulness | roominess | routine | satori | self-consistency | serenity | setup | sharing | silence | silentness | silken repose | sleep | slumber | snugness | softness | solemn silence | solidarity | soundlessness | stand-down | still | stillness | structure | suspension of hostilities | symmetry | sympathy | symphony | sync | synchronism | system | tacitness | taciturnity | tally | team spirit | temporary arrangement | timing | tomblike silence | tranquillity | treaty of peace | truce | understanding | uniformity | union | unison | unisonance | unity | warmness | whisht | wise passiveness

See Also | accord | amity | armistice | cease-fire | collective security | conciliation | concord | concordance | harmony | order | pact | Pax Romana | Peace of Westphalia | quietness | quietude | security | tranquility | tranquillity | treaty | truce

Peace In Webster's Dictionary

\Peace\, n. [OE. pees, pais, OF. pais, paiz, pes, F. paix, L. pax, pacis, akin to pacere, paciscere, pacisci, to make an agreement, and prob. also pangere to fasten. Cf. {Appease}, {Fair}, a., {Fay}, v., {Fang}, {Pacify}, {Pact}, {Pay} to requite.] A state of quiet or tranquillity; freedom from disturbance or agitation; calm; repose; specifically: (a) Exemption from, or cessation of, war with public enemies. (b) Public quiet, order, and contentment in obedience to law. (c) Exemption from, or subjection of, agitating passions; tranquillity of mind or conscience. (d) Reconciliation; agreement after variance; harmony; concord. ``The eternal love and pees.'' --Chaucer. Note: Peace is sometimes used as an exclamation in commanding silence, quiet, or order. ``Peace! foolish woman.'' --Shak. {At peace}, in a state of peace. {Breach of the peace}. See under {Breach}. {Justice of the peace}. See under {Justice}. {Peace of God}. (Law) (a) A term used in wills, indictments, etc., as denoting a state of peace and good conduct. (b) (Theol.) The peace of heart which is the gift of God. {Peace offering}. (a) (Jewish Antiq.) A voluntary offering to God in token of devout homage and of a sense of friendly communion with Him. (b) A gift or service offered as satisfaction to an offended person. {Peace officer}, a civil officer whose duty it is to preserve the public peace, to prevent riots, etc., as a sheriff or constable. {To hold one's peace}, to be silent; to refrain from speaking. {To make one's peace with}, to reconcile one with, to plead one's cause with, or to become reconciled with, another. ``I will make your peace with him.'' --Shak.
\Peace\, v. t. & i. To make or become quiet; to be silent; to stop. [R.] ``Peace your tattlings.'' --Shak. When the thunder would not peace at my bidding. --Shak.

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Crossword Dictionary