About The Word Consonance

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Learn about the word Consonance to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Consonance definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Consonance Meaning & Definition
Consonance Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Consonance?

[n] the property of sounding harmonious
[n] the repetition of consonants (or consonant patterns) especially at the ends of words

Synonyms | Synonyms for Consonance: consonant rhyme | harmoniousness

Related Terms | Find terms related to Consonance: accord | accordance | affinity | agreement | alliteration | assent | assonance | attune | attunement | blank verse | calm | chime | chiming | chorus | clink | coherence | coincidence | compatibility | concentus | concert | concord | concordance | conformance | conformation | conformity | congeniality | congruence | congruency | congruity | consistency | consonancy | consort | constancy | continuity | cooperation | correspondence | crambo | diapason | double rhyme | equability | equanimity | equilibrium | equivalence | euphony | evenness | eye rhyme | harmonics | harmony | heavy harmony | homogeneity | homophony | intersection | monochord | monody | monolithism | near rhyme | oneness | overlap | parallelism | peace | persistence | rapport | rhyme | rhyme royal | rhyme scheme | rhyming dictionary | self-consistency | single rhyme | slant rhyme | stability | steadfastness | steadiness | symmetry | symphony | sync | synchronism | synchronization | tail rhyme | tally | three-part harmony | timing | tune | uniformity | union | unison | unisonance | unity | unrhymed poetry | unruffledness

See Also | harmony | rhyme | rime

Consonance In Webster's Dictionary

\Con"so*nance\, Consonancy \Con"so*nan*cy\, n. [L. consonantia: cf. F. consonnance.] 1. (Mus.) Accord or agreement of sounds produced simultaneously, as a note with its third, fifth, and eighth. 2. Agreement or congruity; harmony; accord; consistency; suitableness. The perfect consonancy of our persecuted church to the doctrines of Scripture and antiquity. --Hammond. The optic nerve responds to the waves with which it is in consonance. --Tyndall. 3. Friendship; concord. [Obs.] By the consonancy of our youth. --Shak. Syn: Agreement; accord; consistency; unison; harmony; congruity; suitableness; agreeableness.

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