About The Word Overcast

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Learn about the word Overcast to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Overcast definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Overcast Meaning & Definition
Overcast Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Overcast?

[n] a cast that falls beyond the intended spot
[n] a long whip stitch or overhand stitch overlying an edge to prevent raveling
[n] gloomy semidarkness caused by cloud cover
[n] the state of the sky when it is covered by clouds
[adj] filled or abounding with clouds
[v] sew with an overcast stitch from one section to the next; of books
[v] sew over the edge of; with long slanting wide stitches
[v] make overcast or cloudy; "Fall weather often overcasts our beaches"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Overcast: cloud | cloud cover | cloud-covered | clouded | cloudiness | cloudy | overcasting | sunless

Related Terms | Find terms related to Overcast: Acheronian | Acherontic | adumbrate | aerospace | aerosphere | air hole | air pocket | airspace | becloud | bedarken | bedim | befog | begloom | bemist | black | black out | blacken | blackening | blanket | block the light | blocking the light | blot out | brooding | brown | bump | cap | cast a shadow | castellatus | CAT | ceiling | Cimmerian | cirrose | cirrous | clabber up | cloud | cloud over | cloud up | clouded | cloud-flecked | cloudiness | clouding | cloudy | crosswind | crown | cumuliform | cumulous | dark | dark and gloomy | darken | darken over | darkened | darkening | dim | dim out | dimming | dirty | dirty sky | dismal | dreary | dull | eclipse | eclipsing | empty space | encloud | encompass with shadow | enmist | extinguishment | favorable wind | fog | fogginess | front | funereal | gloom | gloomful | glooming | gloomy | grey | haze | haziness | head wind | heavy | heavy sky | high-pressure area | hole | ill-lighted | ill-lit | ionosphere | jetstream | lenticularis | lowering | low-pressure area | mammatus | menacing | mist | mistiness | murk | murky | nebulosity | nebulous | nimbose | nimbosity | nubilate | nubilation | nubilous | obfuscate | obfuscation | obnubilate | obnubilation | obscuration | obscure | obscurement | obumbrate | obumbration | occult | occultate | occulting | oppressive | overcloud | overclouded | overclouding | overlay | overshading | overshadow | overshadowing | overshadowment | oversmoke | overspread | pocket | roughness | shade | shading | shadow | shadowing | smog | smoke | somber | sombrous | soup | space | squally | starless | stormy | stratiform | stratosphere | stratous | Stygian | substratosphere | sullen | sunless | tail wind | threatening | thunderheaded | tropopause | troposphere | trough | turbulence | visibility | visibility zero

See Also | bad weather | cast | casting | cloud over | cloud up | darken | fog up | inclemency | inclementness | overcloud | oversew | run up | semidarkness | sew | sew together | stitch | stitch

Overcast In Webster's Dictionary

\O`ver*cast"\, v. t. (Bookbinding) To fasten, as single sheets, by overcast stitching or by folding one edge over another.
\O`ver*cast"\, v. t. 1. To cast or cover over; hence, to cloud; to darken. Those clouds that overcast your morn shall fly. --Dryden. 2. To compute or rate too high. --Bacon. 3. (Sewing) To take long, loose stitches over (the raw edges of a seam) to prevent raveling.

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