About The Word Minimum

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Learn about the word Minimum to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Minimum definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Minimum Meaning & Definition
Minimum Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Minimum?

[n] the point on a curve where the tangent changes from negative on the left to positive on the right
[n] the smallest possible quantity
[adj] the least possible; "needed to enforce minimal standards"; "her grades were minimal"; "minimum wage"; "a minimal charge for the service"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Minimum: borderline | bottom | least | lower limit | lowest | marginal | minimal | negligible | nominal | smallest | stripped | stripped-down | token(a) | tokenish

Related Terms | Find terms related to Minimum: ace | adequacy | adequate | adequate supply | adequateness | ample | atom | bare minimum | bare sufficiency | barely sufficient | bit | commensurate | competence | competency | competent | corresponding | dab | decent | dole | dot | dram | dribble | driblet | due | dwarf | enough | equal to | exact measure | farthing | few | fit | fleck | flyspeck | fragment | gobbet | good | good enough | grain | granule | groat | hair | handful | iota | jot | just enough | least | little | little bit | littlest | lota | lowest | margin | minim | minimal | minutiae | mite | modicum | molecule | mote | nadir | nominal | nutshell | ounce | particle | pebble | pinch | pittance | plenty | plenty good enough | point | proportionate | reduced | right amount | satisfaction | satisfactoriness | satisfactory | satisfactory amount | scruple | shortest | slightest | smallest | smidgen | smitch | speck | spoonful | spot | substantial | sufficiency | sufficient | sufficient for | sufficientness | sufficing | suitable | thimbleful | tiny bit | tittle | trifling amount | trivia | up to | whit

See Also | extremum | limit | peak | small indefinite amount | small indefinite quantity

Minimum In Webster's Dictionary

\Min"i*mum\, n.; pl. {Minima}. [L., fr. minimus. See {Minim}.] The least quantity assignable, admissible, or possible, in a given case; hence, a thing of small consequence; -- opposed to {maximum}. {Minimum thermometer}, a thermometer for recording the lowest temperature since its last adjustment.

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