About The Word Corresponding

Bay Area Crosswords

Learn about the word Corresponding to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Corresponding definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Corresponding Meaning & Definition
Corresponding Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Corresponding?

[adj] agreeing in amount, magnitude, or degree; "the figures are large but the corresponding totals next year will be larger"
[adj] accompanying; "all rights carry with them corresponding responsibilities"
[adj] conforming in every respect; "boxes with corresponding dimensions"; "the like period of the preceding year"
[adj] similar especially in position or purpose; "a number of corresponding diagonal points"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Corresponding: commensurate | comparable | in proportion to | like | proportionate | related | related to | same | similar

Related Terms | Find terms related to Corresponding: accordant | affirmative | agnate | agreeable | agreeing | akin | alike | all one | all the same | amicable | anal | analogous | answerable | answering | at one | attuned | bourgeois | coequal | coexistent | coexisting | coextensive | coherent | coincident | coincidental | coinciding | commensurate | comparable | compatible | complemental | complementary | compulsive | concordant | concurring | conformable | conformist | congenial | congruent | congruous | consentaneous | consentient | consistent | consonant | conventional | convertible | cooperating | cooperative | coordinate | correspondent | coterminous | duplicate | empathetic | empathic | en rapport | equal | equiparant | equipollent | equivalent | formalistic | frictionless | harmonious | homologous | identical | in accord | in agreement | in concert | in keeping | in line | in rapport | in step | in sync | in synchronization | in tune | inaccordance | inharmony | kosher | like-minded | matching | much the same | of a kind | of a piece | of a size | of like mind | of one mind | on all fours | orthodox | parallel | paralleling | peaceful | pedantic | plastic | positive | precisianistic | proportionate | reciprocal | reciprocative | reconcilable | self-consistent | similar | square | straight | stuffy | symbiotic | sympathetic | synchronized | synchronous | synonymous | tantamount | together | traditionalist | twin | unanimous | understanding | undifferentiated | uniform | unisonant | unisonous | united | uptight

See Also |

Corresponding In Webster's Dictionary

\Cor`re*spond"ing\, a. 1. Answering; conformable; agreeing; suiting; as, corresponding numbers. 2. Carrying on intercourse by letters. {Corresponding member of a society}, one residing at a distance, who has been invited to correspond with the society, and aid in carrying out its designs without taking part in its management.

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