About The Word Synchronous

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Synchronous Meaning & Definition
Synchronous Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Synchronous?

[adj] occurring or existing at the same time or having the same period or phase; "recovery was synchronous with therapy"- Jour.A.M.A.; "a synchronous set of clocks"; "the synchronous action of a bird's wings in flight"; "synchronous oscillations"
[adj] (digital communication) pertaining to a transmission technique that requires a common clock signal (a timing reference) between the communicating devices in order to coordinate their transmissions

Synonyms | Synonyms for Synchronous: at the same time(p) | coetaneous | coeval | coexistent | coexisting | coincident | coincidental | coinciding | concurrent | contemporaneous | contemporary | cooccurring | in parallel(p) | parallel | simultaneous | synchronal | synchronic | synchronised | synchronized

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See Also | descriptive

Synchronous In Webster's Dictionary

\Syn"chro*nous\, a. [Gr. ?; sy`n with + ? time. Cf. {Chronicle}.] Happening at the same time; simultaneous. -- {Syn"chro*nous*ly}, adv.

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