About The Word Mastery

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Learn about the word Mastery to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Mastery definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Mastery Meaning & Definition
Mastery Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Mastery?

[n] the act of mastering or subordinating someone
[n] great skillfulness and knowledge of some subject or activity; "a good command of French"
[n] power to dominate or defeat; "mastery of the seas"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Mastery: command | control | domination | subordination | supremacy

Related Terms | Find terms related to Mastery: ability | acme | address | adeptness | adroitness | aedileship | airmanship | apprehension | archbishopric | archiepiscopacy | archiepiscopate | aristocracy | artfulness | artisanship | artistry | ascendancy | authority | authorization | be-all and end-all | beating | bishopric | blue ribbon | bravura | brilliance | Cadmean victory | capability | capacity | chairmanship | championship | chancellery | chancellorate | chancellorship | charisma | charm | chiefery | chiefry | chieftaincy | chieftainry | chieftainship | clairvoyance | claws | cleverness | clout | clutches | collapse | command | competence | competency | comprehension | conception | conceptualization | condition | conquering | conquest | consequence | consulate | consulship | control | coordination | craft | craftsmanship | crash | credit | cunning | deanery | deathblow | debacle | defeat | deftness | destruction | dexterity | dexterousness | dextrousness | dictatorship | dictature | diplomacy | directorship | dominance | domination | dominion | downfall | drubbing | easy victory | effect | effectiveness | efficiency | eminence | emirate | enchantment | episcopacy | esteem | expertise | expertism | expertness | facility | failure | fall | favor | finesse | first place | first prize | fitness | fittedness | force | foreknowledge | good feeling | governorship | grace | grand slam | grasp | grip | gripe | hand | handiness | hands | headship | hegemony | height | helm | hiding | hierarchy | highest | hold | horsemanship | ideation | imperium | importance | incidental power | influence | influentiality | ingeniousness | ingenuity | insinuation | intellection | intelligence | iron hand | jurisdiction | kingship | knack | knockout | know-how | KO | lambasting | landslide | landslide victory | lathering | leadership | leverage | licking | lordship | magistracy | magistrateship | magistrature | magnetism | management | marksmanship | masterdom | mastership | maturity | maximum | mayoralty | mayorship | mental grasp | metropolitanate | metropolitanship | might | moment | moral victory | most | ne plus ultra | new high | nobility | overcoming | overthrow | overturn | palms | papacy | paramountcy | pashadom | pashalic | patriarchate | patriarchy | personality | persuasion | picnic | pontificality | pontificate | popedom | popehood | popeship | potency | power | practical ability | precognition | predominance | prefectship | prefecture | prehension | premiership | preparedness | preponderance | presidency | presidentship | pressure | prestige | primacy | prime-ministership | prime-ministry | princedom | princeship | principality | proconsulate | proconsulship | proficiency | protectorate | protectorship | provostry | provostship | prowess | purchase | pushover | Pyrrhic victory | qualification | quickness | quietus | readiness | record | rectorate | rectorship | regency | regentship | reign | reins of government | repute | resource | resourcefulness | ripeness | ruin | rule | ruling class | runaway victory | savoir-faire | savvy | say | seamanship | seasoning | seigniory | seneschalship | seneschalsy | sheikhdom | sheriffalty | sheriffcy | sheriffdom | shrievalty | skill | skillfulness | smash | sovereignty | strings | style | suasion | subdual | subduing | subjugation | subtle influence | success | suggestion | suitability | suitableness | suitedness | supervisorship | supremacy | suzerainship | suzerainty | swag | sway | tact | tactfulness | talons | technical brilliance | technical mastery | technical skill | technique | tempering | thrashing | timing | top spot | total victory | tribunate | trim | trimming | triumph | trouncing | understanding | undoing | upper hand | vanquishment | victory | virtuosity | vizierate | viziership | walkaway | walkover | Waterloo | weight | whip hand | whipping | win | winning | winning streak | wisdom | wit | wizardry | workmanship | zenith

See Also | ascendance | ascendancy | ascendence | ascendency | control | dominance | domination | skillfulness | superiority | transcendence | transcendency

Mastery In Webster's Dictionary

\Mas"ter*y\, n.; pl. {Masteries}. [OF. maistrie.] 1. The position or authority of a master; dominion; command; supremacy; superiority. If divided by mountains, they will fight for the mastery of the passages of the tops. --Sir W. Raleigh. 2. Superiority in war or competition; victory; triumph; pre["e]minence. The voice of them that shout for mastery. --Ex. xxxii. 18. Every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. --1 Cor. ix. 25. O, but to have gulled him Had been a mastery. --B. Jonson. 3. Contest for superiority. [Obs.] --Holland. 4. A masterly operation; a feat. [Obs.] I will do a maistrie ere I go. --Chaucer. 5. Specifically, the philosopher's stone. [Obs.] 6. The act process of mastering; the state of having mastered. He could attain to a mastery in all languages. --Tillotson. The learning and mastery of a tongue, being unpleasant in itself, should not be cumbered with other difficulties. --Locke.

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Crossword Dictionary