About The Word Discordant

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Discordant Meaning & Definition
Discordant Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Discordant?

[adj] not in agreement or harmony; "views discordant with present-day ideas"
[adj] lacking in harmony

Synonyms | Synonyms for Discordant: at variance(p) | discrepant | disharmonious | dissentious | dissonant | divisive | factious | inharmonic | inharmonious | unharmonious

Related Terms | Find terms related to Discordant: absonant | adversative | adverse | adversive | antagonistic | anti | antipathetic | antithetic | antonymous | assorted | at cross-purposes | at loggerheads | at odds | at variance | at war | atonal | balancing | cacophonic | cacophonous | clashing | colliding | compensating | conflicting | confronting | contradictory | contradistinct | contrapositive | contrarious | contrary | contrasted | contrasting | converse | counter | counterbalancing | counterpoised | countervailing | cracked | cranky | cross | dead against | departing | deviating | deviative | diaphonic | different | differentiated | differing | disaccordant | disagreeable | disagreeing | disconsonant | discrepant | discrete | discriminated | disharmonic | disharmonious | disjoined | disparate | disproportionate | dissentient | dissident | dissimilar | dissonant | distinct | distinguished | divergent | diverging | divers | diverse | diversified | eyeball to eyeball | flat | grating | harsh | heterogeneous | hostile | immelodious | immiscible | in disagreement | inaccordant | incompatible | incongruent | incongruous | inconsistent | inconsonant | inharmonic | inharmonious | inimical | inverse | irreconcilable | jangling | jarring | many | motley | multifarious | musicless | negative | nonmelodious | obverse | off | off-color | off-key | off-tone | opposed | opposing | opposite | oppositional | oppositive | oppugnant | out of accord | out of pitch | out of tone | out of tune | out of whack | perverse | poles apart | poles asunder | raucous | repugnant | reverse | separate | separated | several | sharp | shrill | sour | squared off | strident | tuneless | unconformable | uncongenial | unequal | unharmonious | unlike | unmelodious | unmusical | untunable | untuned | untuneful | variant | varied | variegated | various | varying | widely apart | worlds apart

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Discordant In Webster's Dictionary

\Dis*cord"ant\, a. [OE. discordant, descordaunt, OF. descordant, discordant, F. discordant, p. pr. of discorder, OF. also, descorder. See {Discord}, n.] 1. Disagreeing; incongruous; being at variance; clashing; opposing; not harmonious. The discordant elements out of which the emperor had compounded his realm did not coalesce. --Motley. 2. [See {Discord}, n., 2. ] (Mus.) Dissonant; not in harmony or musical concord; harsh; jarring; as, discordant notes or sounds. For still their music seemed to start Discordant echoes in each heart. --Longfellow. 3. (Geol.) Said of strata which lack conformity in direction of bedding, either as in unconformability, or as caused by a fault. Syn: Disagreeing; incongruous; contradictory; repugnant; opposite; contrary; inconsistent; dissonant; harsh; jarring; irreconcilable. -- {Dis*cord"ant*ly}, adv. -- {Dis*cord"ant*ness}, n. [R.]

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