About The Word Dicynodont

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Learn about the word Dicynodont to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Dicynodont definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Dicynodont Meaning & Definition
Dicynodont Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Dicynodont?

[n] a kind of therapsid

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See Also | Dicynodontia | division Dicynodontia | protomammal | therapsid

Dicynodont In Webster's Dictionary

\Di*cyn"o*dont\, n. [Gr. di- = di`s- twice + ? dog + ?, ?, tooth.] (Paleon.) One of a group of extinct reptiles having the jaws armed with a horny beak, as in turtles, and in the genus {Dicynodon}, supporting also a pair of powerful tusks. Their remains are found in triassic strata of South Africa and India.

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