About The Word Chine

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Learn about the word Chine to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Chine definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Chine Meaning & Definition
Chine Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Chine?

[n] backbone of an animal
[n] cut of meat or fish including at least part of the backbone
[v] cut through the backbone of an animal

Synonyms | Synonyms for Chine:

Related Terms | Find terms related to Chine: bilge | blain | bleb | blister | blob | boss | bow | bubble | bulb | bulge | bulla | bump | bunch | burl | button | cahot | clump | col | comb | condyle | convex | crest | dowel | ear | esker | flange | flap | gall | gnarl | handle | hill | hogback | horseback | hump | hunch | jog | joggle | kame | knob | knot | knur | knurl | lip | loop | lump | mole | mountain | nevus | nub | nubbin | nubble | papilloma | peg | rib | ridge | ring | saddle | saddleback | shoulder | spine | stud | style | tab | tubercle | tubercule | verruca | vesicle | wale | wart | welt

See Also | back | backbone | butcher | cut | cut of meat | rachis | slaughter | spinal column | spine | vertebral column

Chine In Webster's Dictionary

\Chine\, n. [Cf. {Chink}.] A chink or cleft; a narrow and deep ravine; as, Shanklin Chine in the Isle of Wight, a quarter of a mile long and 230 feet deep. [Prov. Eng.] ``The cottage in a chine.'' --J. Ingelow.
\Chine\, n.[OF. eschine, F. ['e]chine, fr. OHG. skina needle, prickle, shin, G. schiene splint, schienbein shin. For the meaning cf. L. spina thorn, prickle, or spine, the backbone. Cf. {Shin}.] 1. The backbone or spine of an animal; the back. ``And chine with rising bristles roughly spread.'' --Dryden. 2. A piece of the backbone of an animal, with the adjoining parts, cut for cooking. Note: [See Illust. of {Beef}.] 3. The edge or rim of a cask, etc., formed by the projecting ends of the staves; the chamfered end of a stave.
\Chine\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Chined}.] 1. To cut through the backbone of; to cut into chine pieces. 2. Too chamfer the ends of a stave and form the chine..

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