About The Word Chicken

Bay Area Crosswords

Learn about the word Chicken to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Chicken definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Chicken Meaning & Definition
Chicken Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Chicken?

[n] a domestic fowl bred for flesh or eggs; believed to have been developed from the red jungle fowl
[n] a foolhardy competition; a dangerous activity that is continued until one competitor becomes afraid and stops
[n] the flesh of a chicken used for food
[n] a person who lacks confidence, is irresolute and wishy-washy
[adj] (informal) easily frightened

Synonyms | Synonyms for Chicken: chickenhearted | coward(a) | cowardly | crybaby | fearful | Gallus gallus | lily-livered | poulet | volaille | white-livered | wimp | yellow | yellow-bellied

Related Terms | Find terms related to Chicken: afraid | Ancona | Andalusian | anemic | asthenic | auntie | Australorp | aviation badge | baby | back out | badge | Bantam | banty | bar | barn-door fowl | barnyard fowl | biddy | big baby | bi-guy | bisexual | black Minorca | black Spanish | black Sumatra | bloodless | blue Orpington | boggle | Brahma | broiler | brooder | broody hen | buff Orpington | bull dyke | butch | caille | Campine | canard | caneton | capon | catamite | chanticleer | chapon | chevron | chick | chickabiddy | chicken liver | chicken out | chickenhearted | chicky | Cochin | cock | cockerel | Cornish | Cornish hen | coward | cowardly | cowed | craven | cream puff | crybaby | dastard | daunted | debilitated | desert under fire | dindon | dismayed | domestic fowl | doormat | drake | drooping | droopy | duck | duckling | dull | dull tool | dunghill fowl | dyke | eagle | effeminate | effete | epaulet | etiolated | fag | faggot | faint | fainthearted | faintish | fairy | faisan | falter | fearful | feeble | femme | flabby | flaccid | flit | floppy | fowl | fraid-cat | fraidy-cat | fricatrice | fruit | fryer | funk | funk out | funker | funking | funky | game fowl | gander | get cold feet | gobbler | gone | goody-goody | goose | gosling | grouse | guinea cock | guinea fowl | guinea hen | gunsel | gutless | gutless wonder | Hamburg | hash mark | hen | hen turkey | henhearted | Hershey bar | homo | homophile | homosexual | homosexualist | imbecile | impotent | insignia of branch | intimidated | invert | invertebrate | jellyfish | languid | languorous | Leghorn | lesbian | lightweight | lily | lily liver | lily-livered | limber | limp | listless | Lord Fauntleroy | lose courage | lustless | marrowless | meek soul | milk-livered | milksop | milksoppish | milksoppy | Milquetoast | mollycoddle | mouse | mousy | muliebrous | namby-pamby | nance | nancy | nebbish | nerveless | New Hampshire red | nonentity | oak leaf | oie | old woman | old-womanish | organization insignia | Orpington | overseas bar | overtimid | overtimorous | panicky | panic-prone | pansy | pantywaist | parachute badge | partlet | partridge | patch | pathic | Percy | pheasant | pigeon | pigeonhearted | pigeonneau | pip | pithless | Plymouth Rock | poltroon | poltroonish | pooped | poulard | poulet | poult | poultry | powerless | prissy | pullet | punk | pushover | pusillanimous | quail | queen | queer | quitter | rabbity | Rhode Island red | roaster | Rock Cornish | rooster | rubbery | sad sack | sapless | sapphist | scaredy-cat | scuttle | service stripe | setting hen | shoulder patch | shoulder sleeve insignia | sinewless | sissified | sissy | sissyish | skedaddle | slack | soft | softling | softy | sop | speckled Sussex | spineless | spread eagle | spring chicken | spunkless | squab | star | stewing chicken | strengthless | stripe | submarine badge | Sumatra | Sussex | timid | timorous | tom | tom turkey | tribade | turkey | turkey gobbler | turkey-cock | unhardened | unmanly | unmanned | unnerved | unstrung | volaille | weak | weak sister | weakhearted | weak-kneed | weakling | weakly | white feather | white liver | white Orpington | white Plymouth Rock | white Wyandotte | white-livered | wild duck | womanish | yellow

See Also | bantam | biddy | breast | broiler | capon | capon | chick | chicken | chicken | chicken wing | cock | competition | contest | domestic fowl | Dominick | Dominique | doormat | fowl | frier | fryer | Gallus gallus | hen | hen | Orpington | poulet | poultry | poultry | pullet | Rhode Island red | roaster | rooster | spatchcock | spring chicken | volaille | weakling | white meat | wuss

Chicken In Webster's Dictionary

\Chick"en\, n. [AS. cicen, cyceun, dim. of coc cock; akin to LG. kiken, k["u]ken, D. Kieken, kuiken, G. k["u]chkein. See {Cock} the animal.] 1. A young bird or fowl, esp. a young barnyard fowl. 2. A young person; a child; esp. a young woman; a maiden. ``Stella is no chicken.'' --Swift. {Chicken cholera}, a contagious disease of fowls; -- so called because first studied during the prevalence of a cholera epidemic in France. It has no resemblance to true cholera.

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