About The Word Cheese

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Learn about the word Cheese to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Cheese definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Cheese Meaning & Definition
Cheese Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Cheese?

[n] a solid food prepared from the pressed curd of milk
[n] erect or decumbent Old World perennial with axillary clusters of rosy-purple flowers; introduced in United States
[v] wind onto a cheese, as of yarn
[v] used in the imperative (get away, or stop it); "Cheese it!"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Cheese: cheeseflower | high mallow | Malva sylvestris | tall mallow

Related Terms | Find terms related to Cheese: aettekees | Alentejo | Alise Sainte Reine | American cheese | Amou | appetitost | Arrigny | Asco | Asio | Augelot | Aurore | Autun | Backstein | Battelmatt | Beaufort | Beaumont | Bel Paese | Bitto | Bleu de Bassilac | Bleu de Salers | Blue Dorset | Boursin | Bra | brick cheese | Brie | Brie de Coulommiers | Brie de Meaux | Brillat-Savarin | Broccio | butter | buttermilk | Cacciocavallo | Caerphilly | Camembert | Canestrato | Cantal | Cardiga | Castelo Branco | certified milk | Chabichou | Chaingy | Champenois | Chaource | Chaumont | Cheddar | Chevret | Chevrotin | Cierp de Luchon | clabber | condensed milk | Cotherstone | cottage cheese | Coulommiers | cream | cream cheese | Crema Danica | dairy products | Danish blue | Dauphin | Decize | demi-sel | Dunlop | Edam | Emmental | Epoisses | Erce | Ervy | etuve | Evarglice | Excelsior | farmer cheese | Feuille de Dreux | Fontainebleau | Fontina | Fourme de Salers | Friesche Kaas | fromage blanc | Gammelost | Gaperon | Gerome | getmesost | ghee | gjetost | Gloucester | Glux | goat cheese | Gournay | Grana Lombardo | gras | grated cheese | half-and-half | Harze | heavy cream | Herve | jack cheese | Kackavalj | Kasseri | Kaunas | Kefalotir | Kummel | kumminost | La Bouille | Laguiole | Les Aydes | Les Laumes | Leyden | Liederkranz | light cream | Liptauer | Livarot | Mainauer | Manicamp | Manuri | margarine | Maroilles | Marolles | Mascherone | mesost | Metton | milk | Mizitra | Monceau | Mont-Cenis | Morbier | mozzarella | Muenster | Murols | mysost | Nantais | New York cheese | Niolo | nonfat dry milk | oka cheese | oleo | oleomargarine | Olivet | Oloron | Oxfordshire | Paladru | Parmesan | Paski | Pave de Moyaux | Pelardon de Rioms | Persille de Savoie | Petit Suisse | Petit-Moule | Pommel | Poona | Port-Salut | primost | Promessi | Provature | Provolone | Puant Macere | pultost | Ramadoux | raw milk | Reblochon | Reggiano | Remoudou | ricotta | Rocamadur | Rokadur | Rollot | Roma | Romadur | Romano | Roquefort | Rouennais | Saint-Florentin | Saint-Marcellin | Saint-Maure | Salame | sapsago | Sardo | Sassenage | Schabzieger | Septmoncel | Serra da Estrella | Sjenicki | skim milk | Slipcote | smaltost | smearcase | Somborski | Sorbais | sour cream | Sposi | Steppe | Stilton | store cheese | Stracchino | Suffolk | Taffel | Tomme | Travnicki | Troyes | Truckles | Vacherin | Velveeta | Vermont cheese | Vic-en-Bigorre | Vize | Volvet | Wensleydale | whey | whipping cream | Wisconsin cheese | yogurt

See Also | American cheese | bleu | blue cheese | brick cheese | Brie | Camembert | cease | cheddar | cheddar cheese | cheese rind | Cheshire cheese | chevre | cottage cheese | cream cheese | curd | dairy product | discontinue | double Gloucester | Edam | farm cheese | farmer's cheese | food | genus Malva | give up | goat cheese | Gouda | Gouda cheese | grated cheese | hand cheese | lay off | Liederkranz | Limburger | mallow | Malva | mozzarella | Muenster | Parmesan | pot cheese | process cheese | processed cheese | quit | ricotta | spool | stop | store cheese | string cheese | Swiss cheese | triple cream | triple creme | Velveeta

Cheese In Webster's Dictionary

\Cheese\, n. [OE. chese, AS. c[=e]se, fr. L. caseus, LL. casius. Cf. {Casein}.] 1. The curd of milk, coagulated usually with rennet, separated from the whey, and pressed into a solid mass in a hoop or mold. 2. A mass of pomace, or ground apples, pressed together in the form of a cheese. 3. The flat, circular, mucilaginous fruit of the dwarf mallow ({Malva rotundifolia}). [Colloq.] 4. A low courtesy; -- so called on account of the cheese form assumed by a woman's dress when she stoops after extending the skirts by a rapid gyration. --De Quincey. --Thackeray. {Cheese cake}, a cake made of or filled with, a composition of soft curds, sugar, and butter. --Prior. {Cheese fly} (Zo["o]l.), a black dipterous insect ({Piophila casei}) of which the larv[ae] or maggots, called skippers or hoppers, live in cheese. {Cheese mite} (Zo["o]l.), a minute mite ({Tryoglyhus siro}) in cheese and other articles of food. {Cheese press}, a press used in making cheese, to separate the whey from the curd, and to press the curd into a mold. {Cheese rennet} (Bot.), a plant of the Madder family ({Golium verum}, or {yellow bedstraw}), sometimes used to coagulate milk. The roots are used as a substitute for madder. {Cheese vat}, a vat or tub in which the curd is formed and cut or broken, in cheese making.
\ A kind of soft, unpressed cream cheese made in the vicinity of Camembert, near Argentan, France; also, any cheese of the same type, wherever made.

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