About The Word Bun

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Learn about the word Bun to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Bun definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Bun Meaning & Definition
Bun Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Bun?

[n] small rounded bread either plain or sweet

Synonyms | Synonyms for Bun: roll

Related Terms | Find terms related to Bun: bagel | bialy | bialystoker | braid | chignon | clover-leaf roll | coffee cake | coil | crescent roll | croissant | cross bun | crumpet | cue | Danish | Danish pastry | English muffin | gem | hard roll | hot cross bun | kaiser roll | knot | muffin | onion roll | Parker House roll | pigtail | pinwheel roll | plait | popover | queue | rattail | roll | scone | soft roll | tail | topknot | twist | Yorkshire pudding

See Also | bagel | bread | breadstuff | brioche | clover-leaf roll | coffee roll | crescent roll | croissant | frankfurter bun | hamburger bun | hamburger roll | hard roll | hotdog bun | kaiser roll | onion roll | Parker House roll | soft roll | staff of life | sweet roll | tea bread | Vienna roll

Bun In Webster's Dictionary

\Bun\, Bunn \Bunn\, n. [Scot. bun, bunn, OE. bunne, bonne; fr. Celtic; cf. Ir. bunna, Gael. bonnach, or OF. bugne tumor, Prov. F. bugne a kind of pancake; akin to OHG. bungo bulb, MHG. bunge, Prov. E. bung heap, cluster, bunny a small swelling.] A slightly sweetened raised cake or bisquit with a glazing of sugar and milk on the top crust.

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