About The Word Bland

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Learn about the word Bland to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Bland definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Bland Meaning & Definition
Bland Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Bland?

[adj] lacking either stimulating or irritating characteristics; "a bland pudding"; "a bland diet for her irritated stomach"
[adj] lacking taste or flavor or tang; "a bland diet"; "insipid hospital food"; "flavorless supermarket tomatoes"; "vapid beer"; "vapid tea"
[adj] lacking stimulating characteristics; uninteresting; "a bland little drama"; "a flat joke"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Bland: flat | flavorless | flavourless | insipid | savorless | savourless | tasteless | unexciting | unstimulating | vapid

Related Terms | Find terms related to Bland: abstract | adulatory | balmy | banal | bare | barren | blah | blandishing | blank | blarneying | bleached | boring | broad | buttery | cajoling | calm | changeable | characterless | civilized | clear | collective | complimentary | composed | cool | courtierly | courtly | devoid | disarming | dull | empty | faint | fair-spoken | fawning | featureless | fine-spoken | flat | flattering | fulsome | general | generalized | generic | gentle | glib | good-natured | gushing | halfhearted | hollow | honeyed | honey-mouthed | honey-tongued | inane | indecisive | indefinite | indeterminate | infirm of purpose | infirm of will | ingratiating | insincere | insinuating | insipid | insouciant | irresolute | judicious | lenient | mealymouthed | mild | mild as milk | milk-and-water | milky | moderate | mushy | namby-pamby | nebulous | neutral | nonchalant | nonspecific | nonviolent | null | null and void | obsequious | oily | oily-tongued | pacifistic | peaceable | peaceful | prudent | sapless | slimy | slobbery | smarmy | smooth | smooth-spoken | smooth-tongued | smug | soapy | sober | soft | soft-soaping | soft-spoken | soothing | suave | suave-spoken | sycophantic | tame | tasteless | temperate | uncharacterized | unctuous | undifferentiated | unemotional | uninteresting | unrelieved | unruffled | unspecified | urbane | vacant | vacuous | vague | vapid | void | waterish | watery | wheedling | white | wide | wishy-washy | with nothing inside | without content

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Bland In Webster's Dictionary

\Bland\, a. [L. blandus, of unknown origin.] 1. Mild; soft; gentle; smooth and soothing in manner; suave; as, a bland temper; bland persuasion; a bland sycophant. ``Exhilarating vapor bland.'' --Milton. 2. Having soft and soothing qualities; not drastic or irritating; not stimulating; as, a bland oil; a bland diet.

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