About The Word Buttery

Bay Area Crosswords

Learn about the word Buttery to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Buttery definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Buttery Meaning & Definition
Buttery Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Buttery?

[n] a teashop where students in British universities can purchase light meals
[n] a small storeroom for storing foods or wines
[adj] resembling or containing or spread with butter; "a rich buttery cake"
[adj] unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech; "buttery praise"; "gave him a fulsome introduction"; "an oily sycophantic press agent"; "oleaginous hypocrisy"; "smarmy self-importance"; "the unctuous Uriah Heep"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Buttery: fat | fatty | fulsome | insincere | larder | oily | oleaginous | pantry | smarmy | unctuous

Related Terms | Find terms related to Buttery:

See Also | still room | stillroom | storage room | storeroom | stowage | tea parlor | tea parlour | teahouse | tearoom | teashop

Buttery In Webster's Dictionary

\But"ter*y\, a. Having the qualities, consistence, or appearance, of butter.
\But"ter*y\, n.; pl. {Butteries}. [OE. botery, botry; cf. LL. botaria wine vessel; also OE. botelerie, fr. F. bouteillerie, fr. boutellie bottle. Not derived from butter. See {Bottle} a hollow vessel, {Butt} a cask.] 1. An apartment in a house where butter, milk and other provisions are kept. All that need a cool and fresh temper, as cellars, pantries, and butteries, to the north. --Sir H. Wotton. 2. A room in some English colleges where liquors, fruit, and refreshments are kept for sale to the students. And the major Oxford kept the buttery bar. --E. Hall. 3. A cellar in which butts of wine are kept. --Weale. {Buttery hatch}, a half door between the buttery or kitchen and the hall, in old mansions, over which provisions were passed. --Wright.

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