About The Word Asia

Bay Area Crosswords

Learn about the word Asia to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Asia definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Asia Meaning & Definition
Asia Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Asia?

[n] the nations of the Asian continent collectively
[n] the largest continent with 60% of the earth's population; it is joined to Europe on the west to form Eu

Synonyms | Synonyms for Asia:

Related Terms | Find terms related to Asia:

See Also | accumulation | Afghanistan | aggregation | Al-Iraq | Anatolia | Arabia | Arabian Peninsula | Armenia | Asia Minor | Asian country | Asian nation | assemblage | Azerbaijan | Azerbaijani Republic | Azerbajdzhan | Azerbajdzhan Republic | Bahrain | Bahrein | Bangla Desh | Bangladesh | Bharat | Bhutan | Canaan | China | Choson | collection | Communist China | continent | Democratic People's Republic of Korea | East | East Pakistan | Eurasia | Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan | Hayastan | Holy Land | India | Irak | Iran | Iraq | Islamic Republic of Iran | Islamic Republic of Pakistan | Islamic State of Afghanistan | Japan | Jordan | Katar | Kazak | Kazakh | Kazakhstan | Kazakstan | Kingdom of Bhutan | Kingdom of Nepal | Kirghiz | Kirghizia | Kirghizstan | Kirgiz | Kirgizia | Kirgizstan | Korea | Korean Peninsula | Koweit | Kura | Kura River | Kuwait | Kyrgystan | Kyrgyz Republic | Lebanese Republic | Lebanon | mainland China | Malay Peninsula | Mongolia | Mongolian People's Republic | Muscat and Oman | Nepal | Nihon | Nippon | North Korea | Oman | orient | Ottoman Empire | Outer Mongolia | Pakistan | Palestine | Parthia | People's Republic of Bangladesh | People's Republic of China | Persia | Persian Empire | PRC | Promised Land | Qatar | Red China | Republic of Armenia | Republic of India | Republic of Iraq | Republic of Kazakhstan | Republic of Korea | Republic of Tajikistan | Republic of Uzbekistan | Republic of Yemen | Roman Empire | Sitsang | South Korea | Southeast Asia | State of Bahrain | State of Katar | State of Kuwait | State of Qatar | Sultanate of Oman | Syria | Syrian Arab Republic | Tadjik | Tadzhik | Tadzhikistan | Tajik | Tajikistan | Thibet | Tibet | Turkestan | Turkish Empire | Turkistan | Turkmen | Turkmenia | Turkmenistan | Turkomen | United Arab Emirates | Uzbek | Uzbekistan | West Pakistan | Xizang | Yemen

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