About The Word Suborn

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Learn about the word Suborn to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Suborn definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Suborn Meaning & Definition
Suborn Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Suborn?

[v] induce to commit perjury or give false testimony; "The President tried to suborn false witnesses"
[v] procure (false testimony or perjury)
[v] incite to commit a crime or an evil deed; "He suborned his butler to cover up the murder of his wife"

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See Also | cause | corrupt | debase | debauch | demoralise | demoralize | deprave | get | have | induce | make | misdirect | perjure | pervert | procure | profane | secure | stimulate | subvert | vitiate

Suborn In Webster's Dictionary

\Sub*orn"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Suborned}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Suborning}.] [F. suborner, L. subornare; sub under, secretly + ornare to furnish, provide, equip, adorn. See {Ornament}.] 1. (Law) To procure or cause to take a false oath amounting to perjury, such oath being actually taken. --Sir W. O. Russell. 2. To procure privately, or by collusion; to procure by indirect means; to incite secretly; to instigate. Thou art suborned against his honor. --Shak. Those who by despair suborn their death. --Dryden.

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