About The Word Sacerdotal

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Learn about the word Sacerdotal to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Sacerdotal definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Sacerdotal Meaning & Definition
Sacerdotal Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Sacerdotal?

[adj] associated with the priesthood or priests; "priestly (or sacerdotal) vestments"; "hieratic gestures"
[adj] of or relating to a belief in sacerdotalism; "sacerdotal emphasis on the authority of priests"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Sacerdotal: hieratic | hieratical | priestly

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Sacerdotal In Webster's Dictionary

\Sac`er*do"tal\, a. [L. sacerdotalis, fr. sacerdos, -otis, a priest, fr. sacer holy, sacred: cf. F. sacerdotal.] Of or pertaining to priests, or to the order of priests; relating to the priesthood; priesty; as, sacerdotal dignity; sacerdotal functions. The ascendency of the sacerdotal order was long the ascendency which naturally and properly belongs to intellectual superiority. --Macaulay.

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