About The Word Prickle

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Learn about the word Prickle to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Prickle definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Prickle Meaning & Definition
Prickle Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Prickle?

[n] a sharp-pointed tip on a stem or leaf
[v] cause a tingling sensation
[v] cause a prickling sensation

Synonyms | Synonyms for Prickle: prick | pricker | spine | sticker | thorn | tingle

Related Terms | Find terms related to Prickle:

See Also | aculeus | itch | sting | twinge

Prickle In Webster's Dictionary

\Pric"kle\, n. [AS. pricele, pricle; akin to LG. prickel, D. prikkel. See {Prick}, n.] 1. A little prick; a small, sharp point; a fine, sharp process or projection, as from the skin of an animal, the bark of a plant, etc.; a spine. --Bacon. 2. A kind of willow basket; -- a term still used in some branches of trade. --B. Jonson. 3. A sieve of filberts, -- about fifty pounds. [Eng.]
\Pric"kle\, v. t. To prick slightly, as with prickles, or fine, sharp points. Felt a horror over me creep, Prickle skin, and catch my breath. --Tennyson.

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