About The Word Parley

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Learn about the word Parley to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Parley definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Parley Meaning & Definition
Parley Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Parley?

[n] a negotiation between enemies
[v] discuss, as between enemies

Synonyms | Synonyms for Parley:

Related Terms | Find terms related to Parley: admonition | advice | advise with | advising | advocacy | audience | bargain | bargaining | bargaining session | briefing | call in | calumet | caution | caveat | collogue | colloquium | colloquy | compare notes | conclave | confab | confabulation | confer | confer with | conference | confrontation | congress | consult | consult with | consultation | convention | council | council fire | council of war | counsel | deal | deliberate | deliberation | dialogue | direction | discuss | discuss with | discussion | downing of arms | empty hands | exchange observations | exchange of views | exchange views | exhortation | expostulation | eyeball-to-eyeball encounter | flag of truce | guidance | hand of friendship | have conversations | high-level talk | hold conference | hortation | huddle | idea | instruction | interchange of views | interview | meeting | monition | negotiate | negotiations | news conference | offer of parley | olive branch | opinion | outstretched hand | palaver | peace feelers | peace offer | peace offering | peace pipe | pipe of peace | pourparler | powwow | press conference | propitiatory gift | proposal | put heads together | reason with | recommendation | refer to | remonstrance | seance | session | sit down together | sit down with | sitting | suggestion | summit | summit conference | summitry | take counsel | take up with | talk over | talks | thought | truce flag | warning | white flag

See Also | dialogue | negociate | negotiation | palaver | talks

Parley In Webster's Dictionary

\Par"ley\, n.; pl. {Parleys}. [F. parler speech, talk, fr. parler to speak, LL. parabolare, fr. L. parabola a comparison, parable, in LL., a word. See {Parable}, and cf. {Parliament}, {Parlor}.] Mutual discourse or conversation; discussion; hence, an oral conference with an enemy, as with regard to a truce. We yield on parley, but are stormed in vain. --Dryden. {To beat a parley} (Mil.), to beat a drum, or sound a trumpet, as a signal for holding a conference with the enemy.
\Par"ley\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Parleyed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Parleying}.] To speak with another; to confer on some point of mutual concern; to discuss orally; hence, specifically, to confer orally with an enemy; to treat with him by words, as on an exchange of prisoners, an armistice, or terms of peace. They are at hand, To parley or to fight; therefore prepare. --Shak.

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