About The Word Obligation

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Learn about the word Obligation to help solve your crossword puzzle. Discover Obligation definitions and meaning, origins, synonyms, related terms and more at the free Crossword Dictionary.


Obligation Meaning & Definition
Obligation Definition And Meaning

What's The Definition Of Obligation?

[n] the social force that binds you to your obligations and the courses of action demanded by that force; "we must instill a sense of duty in our children"; "every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty"- John D.Rockefeller Jr
[n] a legal agreement specifying a payment or action and the penalty for failure to comply
[n] a personal relation in which one is indebted for a service or favor
[n] the state of being obligated to do or pay something; "he is under an obligation to finish the job"

Synonyms | Synonyms for Obligation: duty | responsibility

Related Terms | Find terms related to Obligation: accountability | accounts payable | accounts receivable | act of grace | act of kindness | affair | agreement | allegiance | amount due | appreciation | appreciativeness | aptitude | aptness | arrearage | assigned task | attempt | bad debts | benefaction | benefit | benevolence | benignity | bill | bills | blessing | bond | borrowing | boundary condition | bounden duty | burden | business | call | call of duty | catch | cause | chance | charge | charges | chits | clause | coaction | commitment | committal | compulsatory | compulsion | compulsiveness | compulsoriness | compulsory | condition | constraint | contingency | contract | courtesy | covenant | deal | debt | dedication | deference | demand | devoir | devotion | donnee | due | dues | duress | duties and responsibilities | duty | effort | enforcement | engagement | enterprise | escalator clause | escape clause | escape hatch | ethics | eventuality | favor | fealty | financial commitment | fine print | floating debt | forcing | funded debt | given | good deed | good offices | good turn | grace | gratefulness | gratitude | grounds | homage | imperative | imperious | indebtedness | indebtment | inevitability | irresistibility | joker | kicker | kind deed | kind offices | kindly act | kindness | labor of love | liability | liableness | likelihood | likeliness | limiting condition | line of duty | loyalty | mandatedness | mandatoriness | maturity | mercy | mission | mitzvah | must | national debt | necessariness | necessitation | necessitude | necessity | need | obligatoriness | obligatory | obligement | office | onus | operation | ought | outstanding debt | parameter | part | place | plan | pledge | possibility | preengagement | prerequisite | probability | program | project | promise | proneness | proposition | provision | provisions | proviso | public debt | recognizance | required | requirement | requisite | respect | responsibility | restraint | right | saving clause | score | self-imposed duty | sense of obligation | service | sine qua non | small print | specification | stipulation | string | task | terms | thankfulness | trust | turn | ultimatum | uncollectibles | understanding | undertaking | unfulfilled pledge | venture | verbal agreement | weakness | whereas | work

See Also | burden of proof | civic duty | civic responsibility | debt | demand | filial duty | financial obligation | guardianship | imperative | incumbency | indebtedness | job | keeping | legal duty | liability | line of duty | moral obligation | noblesse oblige | personal relation | personal relationship | prerequisite | requirement | safekeeping | social control | state | white man's burden | written agreement

Obligation In Webster's Dictionary

\Ob"li*ga"tion\, n. [F. obligation. L. obligatio. See {Oblige}.] 1. The act of obligating. 2. That which obligates or constrains; the binding power of a promise, contract, oath, or vow, or of law; that which constitutes legal or moral duty. A tender conscience is a stronger obligation than a proson. --Fuller. 3. Any act by which a person becomes bound to do something to or for anouther, or to forbear something; external duties imposed by law, promise, or contract, by the relations of society, or by courtesy, kindness, etc. Every man has obligations which belong to his station. Duties extend beyond obligation, and direct the affections, desires, and intentions, as well as the actions. --Whewell. 4. The state of being obligated or bound; the state of being indebted for an act of favor or kindness; as, to place others under obligations to one. 5. (Law) A bond with a condition annexed, and a penalty for nonfulfillment. In a larger sense, it is an acknowledgment of a duty to pay a certain sum or do a certain things. {Days of obligation}. See under {Day}.

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